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It's been two months and Imani won't answer my phone calls or see me. She moved out and completely cut me off and now Yannis hates me again because she cut him off too.

I guess the different women he's been bringing home aren't helping him either. We got into a fist fight a few days ago cause he's still pissed at me.

My heart feels like it's been ripped from my chest and grinded into pieces. I barely get any sleep and randomly cry out of nowhere.

I feel like I'm fucking losing my mind!

I miss Imani so much that it physically hurts and I don't blame her for doing what she's doing. I completely deserve it.

It's one thing hearing that your lover cheated but seeing it with your own two eyes, is another level. Not to mention who she caught me with....the same person I told her to stay away from.

I'll never forget the day Imani left. I sat at her bedroom door all night, hoping she would open it. When the morning came, Bria came over and I selfishly hoped that she was there to console Imani and make her feel better. So then, Imani and I could talk and everything would go back to normal.

When Bria left, Imani left with her. She ignored me as she walked out of her room with a duffle bag over her shoulder. When I went to touch her, a painful zap went through my fingers and I pulled back in shock.

Yannis couldn't touch her either, but she did at least say goodbye to him. When she looked at me, all I saw was pain and disappointment in her beautiful light brown eyes.

"How are you feeling today, son?"

I really wasn't in the mood to talk, especially with my mother.

"It's not the end of the world, Victor. You were just following your's what you're supposed to do. You are an Alpha."

I didn't respond.

"It's good this happened sooner than later, all you were going to do is hurt that poor girl in the long run."

I could feel my annoyance grow the more my mother talked.

"Why don't you get yourself together and call Allison?"

And then there's Allison...she assumed that we were getting back together. Allison had a smirk on her face when Imani ran away in tears, it was like she planned the whole thing. Fortunately, I didn't mark or claim she didn't get pregnant. The flashback of me fucking Allison makes we want to vomit everytime I think about it.

"Victor, you need to get over the Crescian. She's not fit for our world and deep down you already knew this."


My mother looked at me surprised, then walked out of my home office. All she cares about is us being Alphas and having pups. It's more to life than just those things, why can't she understand that?

All because of this stupid werewolf mating and being in heat bullshit, I broke Imani's heart.....In turn, ruining my fucking life.

One of the reasons I hate being a werewolf.

"You still haven't killed yourself yet?" Yannis asked, walking into the room.

I didn't have the energy to fight or respond.


I've been keeping busy, focusing on work and spending a lot of time with my family and Bria. Thankfully, Allison's temp contract was over sooner than expected and another person was hired permanently for the position. I don't think I could look at her without wanting to gauge her eyes out.

Bria has really been a blessing to me during this time...I mean she always has been. But recently her presence has lightened my spirits big time.

I miss Victor and Yanni so much, it hurts!

Making my way back from my lunch break, I dropped off some food for Miah and went into my office. The plan was to bury myself in emails and filing....perfect pastime.

An hour went by and my desk phone rang. Without looking, I answered.

"Imani James speaking."

"Hello, Canelle (cinnamon)."

I stopped everything I did and my tongue followed.

"Canelle, are you still there?"

Hearing his voice was bittersweet. I felt myself get excited, letting my feelings take's so easy to get caught up when you're still in love.

"Y-Yes, Hi Yanni. How are you doing?"

"I am okay, much better hearing your voice. I miss you."

My eyes began to water. "I miss you too."

He took a deep breath and I felt myself smile a little.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Busy, very busy....the company.."

"I want to see you, Imani..." Yanni interrupted.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not? We both still love each other and want to be together."

I closed my eyes, taking in his words.

"I know..but it doesn't mean we *should* be together."

"Why not?"

"Yanni, I'm not a werewolf. I think it would be better if you be with someone of your own kind, so let's just move on with our lives."

There was a pause.

"Ok, if that's what you truly want, I will leave you alone. I still love you and wish you the best, Imani...Take care."

The sound of those words coming out of his mouth and the dial tone that followed, hurt me more than the blows I received to my face. My legs gave way and I fell to the floor and silently cried, trying to hold my heart together.

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