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A few elders from the council pulled up to The Guardian Gated Community.

Since the debacle at Crestdale, mandatory inspections were put in place to assure a stable pack with competent Alphas.

Security escorted the elders to one of the main houses and were greeted by Yannis and Victor.

The same land layout was built like Crestmont and Zyndale. Two Alpha homes, courthouse, one school and medical care building. The rest of the land were family homes. Bigger homes had more than one family.

“Welcome council, thank you for coming,” Yannis spoke.

“No need to thank us, Alpha. It's our duty...shall we get started?” One of them spoke.

Yannis nodded and showed them around. Once inside the courthouse, everyone entered the conference area. Documents were given to the four councilmen as questions were asked and answered.

As the hours went by dinner was served in the dining hall. Both Alphas and their mates joined along with their Beta and Gamma.

Beta Richard and Gamma Bradley were cousins of Victor and Yannis. They were also brothers.

"Did you four grow up together?" One of the councilmen asked.

"Yes, but we lost contact after high school. Thankfully, Aunt Estelle keeps a grip on family gatherings," Richard answered.

"When you have nothing else to's quite easy." A man said as he walked towards their table. He looked like the male version of Estelle.

Great, Uncle Gavin. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any more annoying. Victor thought to himself.

"No greetings, nephews?"

"Hello," they both answered, not looking at him.

Gavin smirked at their dry responses. His predictions were right about them failing as Alphas the last time and he was sure it'd be no different now. 

My son Richard deserves that title. He's smarter, works harder and would make a great leader, unlike these billionaire playboys. His loyalty to them is a constant nuisance that’s hindering his full potential.

"Look at these two beautiful women….I take it, they're the new flavors of the season?" Gavin smiled at Carrie and Carmen.

"Mr. Crestmont, I see nothing has changed. You're still messy as ever, " Carrie said.

"I could say the same for you, Ms. Carrie. Congrats to both of you ladies, on the birth of your darling little paychecks...."

Carrie grinned, shaking her head while Carmen gasped in shock.

"Is there a reason you're here, father?" Richard interrupted.

"I didn’t know I needed a reason. Am I not welcomed?"

"Of course you're welcome, that's silly," Bradley chuckled nervously.

Victor and Yannis stayed quiet. Their Uncle's behavior was nothing new to them, ignoring him was the best response.

"You two are awfully quiet. Did you fail your little inspections?"

One of the councilmen interrupted. "They passed with flying colors. But we already knew they would."

Gavin raised an eyebrow. "With their history?"

"Get over it, Gavin. Don't you have something else better to do?" Yannis asked.

"Other than watching you two fuck up again?....No, I don't."

"Father, please don't." Richard could feel his cousin's moods stirring. He knew he would be in danger too if he tried to protect his father from their wrath.

"Don't what? They're the ones that ruined the Zyndale-Crestmont name, not us. Any respect this family still holds in the werewolf community is because of me and Estelle. They should be thankful."

"Whatever...." Victor responded.

"Hmmm, speaking of whatever…..Whatever happened to the Crescian that you two were so obsessed with?"

Yannis and Victor's faces showed their annoyance but they didn't respond.

"Crescian?" Bradley asked.

"Yes. Crescian women have great healing powers that can bring the dead back to life. It's said that if you become her desire, she'll become your addiction. But of course, these two failed that relationship too."

Victor began to get up but was stopped by Yannis.

"Oh, so now you want to fight me, nephew? I must’ve struck a nerve."

"ENOUGH!" The councilman shouted. "Mr. Crestmont, I hope you know, your interference is punishable by pack law. If you have no legal reason to be here I suggest you leave."

"What a pity and I was having so much fun. Richard and Bradley, I will be at your house waiting."

Once his father left, Richard looked at everyone around the table. "Sorry."


I sat at my desk finishing up some paperwork for a new vendor. It's been a busy week and I was ready to get out of here.

"Hey Ken, coming to happy hour with us?" Jackie asked.

"Nah, I'm heading straight home tonight."

She gave me a smirk and I knew what was next.

"I can meet you there later. " She bit her bottom lip.

I really wish I hadn't slept with her that one night. Now she thinks I want her and I'm not interested.

"No, I'm good." 

Jackie was pissed by my response but tried to hide it. She just walked out slamming my office door.

As I was driving home, I couldn’t stop thinking about Imani. Since college, I've wanted her so bad. The night we had at the restaurant was amazing. We laughed, talked, had a drink or two and ate....our chemistry was through the roof, I didn’t want the night to end. But then she started pulling away again.

When we first met, Bria said Imani never had a boyfriend before and wasn't really comfortable with talking to men. Back then I understood that, but now, I know she's been dating other men...Bria told me and I just so happened to see her with some blonde guy the first time.

I got really curious and followed them one night. Come to find out, she was living with two men. I even saw her kissing both of them on different occasions...yeah I followed her a few times but I'm not crazy or anything.

I don’t understand why Imani keeps pushing me away like she's some innocent little girl. I don't care about who she's been with. All I want is her to be mine, to make her happy and give her the world. I often have dreams that she's my wife, cooking me and our kids breakfast in the morning. Making love to her every night and kissing her soft lips.  Imani just needs to give me a chance….just one.

I pulled up to my home not remembering how I made it here, then I heard someone walking up behind me.

"You’re late."

"Bree, you're early. What's up?"

She looked at me and smiled. "Just really horny...that's all."

I shook my head.

You wouldn’t even think she had a boyfriend, let alone a fiancée from her always being here with me. But I didn't long as she keeps giving me info on Imani, I'll keep fucking her brains out.

From what Bria recently told me, Imani has been single for more than a year and I'm just the man to change that.

I'm not giving up anytime soon...she'll give in eventually.

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