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Yannis sat in his car across from the penthouse building. He called Imani's phone numerous times, and there was no answer.

He received a signal on his phone, letting him know there were intruders in his home. He grabbed his tablet, looking at four monitor screens being displayed and watched as three men rummaged through his things, throwing stuff everywhere.

Yannis didn't care about any of that. He was looking for a sight of Imani, hoping maybe she was hiding somewhere or that she somehow left before they arrived.

The pit in his stomach began to ache at the thought of her being hurt. Guilt rose into his chest....How could I not be more careful?

Despair filled his body, but quickly was replaced by anger and revenge.

Yannis drove off, parking his car two blocks away. He walked through the back way of the alley and used the back entrance of the penthouse building, then took the stairs to his floor. He stood at the end of the hallway looking to see if anyone exited his place, then opened up his security app and entered a code on this phone.

One of the men inside the penthouse began to hear a low drawn out hiss...he looked around, investigating where the sound could be coming from. Then there was a loud crash, as the other man passed out on top of Yannis' glass table.

The other two men began to feel lightheaded and ran out into the hall for air, but both were met with bullets to the head. Yannis stood there with a gas mask, dragging both bodies back into his penthouse. Then, he set his focus on the gentleman that was passed out on his shattered living room table.

After a half hour or so.....the man, now tied up, began to open his eyes. Once his focus was better, he looked up to see Yannis sitting directly in front of him eating an orange. The man looked around in panic, wondering what happened and where his other comrades went.

"Where is she?" Yannis asked.

"Where is who?" The man replied.

Yannis stood up, stabbing the man in his thigh. The man screamed out in pain, causing the look of terror on his face.

"Where is she? Imani....the girl that was here."

"Ugh....please man... I don't know."

Yannis snatched the knife out his leg, then stabbed the other.

The man screamed. "Victor! Victor took her!!!"

Yannis got up, shot the man in the forehead, then walked out to find Imani. He wondered if Victor recognized her.

Was that his reason for taking her?

Victor knew he couldn't use anything as a pond to get back at him, so Yannis knew it had to be.....Victor knows who Imani is or should he say was.


Victor sat in the chair across from his bed. He watched Imani as she slept, her chest slowly rising and falling. His eyes traced from the tips of her red painted toes to the top of her head. His insides surged with a desire that felt very familiar.

Imani let out a moan as she turned onto her side. Her panty covered bottom peeked from under her t-shirt. Victor felt his manhood stiffen, and memory flashed in his mind of the last encounter he had with Palesa's body.

The pleasure he received and the ecstasy that poured from it......she used to be his drug. But then doubts filled his mind.

Would she remember me? How happy we were together and how great we made each others body feel.

Victor snapped out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Imani awake, sitting up staring at him.

He smiled. "Hello, Imani. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Sir." Imani looked down.

She felt a little ashamed that she was so comfortable and slept so well from being in his bed.

"Are you going to hurt Yanni?" She asked.

Victor felt his insides stir from her words of concern for Yannis.

"Yes, does that bother you?"

"Why do you want to hurt him?" She asked with sadness in her eyes.

"He must pay for his sins."

Imani felt her heart breaking at the thought of losing Yannis. She didn't care what he did. He deserved to live. Despair filled her heart and didn't know how to help him.

"Mr. Victor, please don't hurt him. Is there something that I can do to help him? Please, I can't lose him....I just can't."

She used to feel the same way about me. Victor thought to himself.

"Imani, do you know who I am?"

She shook her head.

"Are you sure you've never seen me before?" Victor knew he may not like the answer, but asked anyway.

He got up from the chair. "Palesa... my sweet, sweet Palesa."

Imani gasped, and her eyes grew wide.

He said Palesa.

Victor saw her reaction, and his heart began to race.

"Imani, do you know that name? Tell me the truth," Victor spoke as he sat on the bed.

"I'm going to sound crazy." She shook her head.

"Never.....tell me," he whispered in her ear.

The warmth from his breath made chills run down her spine. She unconsciously leaned in towards his voice. It was poised and smooth like silk.

"I had a dream about a man with white hair. You kind of look like him. He called me Palesa....he said.."

Before Imani could finish, Victor grabbed her face and kissed her. She pushed back, but when her eyes closed, she felt a very familiar sensation. Imani's heart felt full with emotions as her eyes began to water, and she wrapped her arms around Victor's neck.

He held her tighter as love filled his eyes.

"I knew it! I knew it!" He spoke as joy made laughter echo from his mouth.

There was a knock at the door. "Boss, we have company."

"I'll be there," Victor answered.

He looked at Imani. "I will explain everything when I get back." Imani nodded her head.

Once Victor walked out of the door, she jumped out of bed, pacing the floor in panic.....What is wrong with me? Why did I kiss him?

Imani was angry with herself. She was frustrated with her reactions and didn't understand her confusion. She loved and belonged to Yannis, but why does Victor feel so right and known by her body?

Imani went to the window in the bedroom to see if anything outside looked familiar. She was at a loss, not seeing anything that caught her eye.

She went to the door and turned the knob. It was locked from the outside. Imani felt defeated as she fell to her knees in tears. Then she heard a voice in her head.

You are not wrong in how you feel for both of them.

Imani jumped up and looked around. The room was empty. She went to the on-suite bathroom....nothing nor anyone.

Imani, do you want to know the truth?

The voice made her feel calm and at ease. She gave in. "Yes, please."

Okay, just relax........

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