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It's been a month since I left Guardian Gated Community.

Thankfully, Miah understood and convinced my brother Lucas, without telling him the real reason. Of course, I got a lecture from Lucas about finishing future jobs and not making the company look bad. I didn't like disappointing my big brother but I had to save myself from doing something stupid.

I got a few missed calls from Yanni and Victor but I wasn't brave enough to answer.

I like Carrie and little Carly, they deserve to be happy with Yanni. And I don't wanna have to deal with that psycho Carmen. I love Victor and Yanni but in the end it's just not worth risking my life or sanity.

I was in the Glam Shop searching for a costume for a party Bria was dragging me to. Since her and Mike called off their engagement, she's been partying it up alot lately. I'm starting to think she never wanted to get married in the first place.

"I found something for you, Mani," she said, holding a skimpy nurse outfit.

"No way, Bria...not happening."

"Oh come on, live a little. This would look sick on you." She held it up to my body.

I shook my head then continued walking down the aisle. Two little fluffy animal ears caught my attention. I grabbed it and pulled it from the rack.

"Oh that's cute!" Bria yelled.

It was a cheetah catsuit with the cat ears headband and a long tail attached to the backside. It was simple, fun and style.

We paid for our things and walked back to Bria's truck. Her phone rang and I instantly knew who she was talking to. She put him on bluetooth through the truck.

"Did you find anything?" Kenneth asked.

I sighed in annoyance. Why does she keep talking to him?

"Yeah, I did."

"Maybe you can wear it tonight."

"No, you have to wait to see it."

What the....Did she forget I was in the car?

I cleared my throat to bring her back to earth. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Um, Ken, I gotta go."

"Wait, are you coming through later?"

She looked at me and I pretended to be indulged in my phone.

"I don't know...."

"Ah, don't flake on me, Bree. We ain't fuck since you called off things with Mike. What's up with you?"

I dropped my phone, I couldn't play it off.....

"Ken, you idiot. Why do you talk so damn much!"

He was confused. "What did I say?"

"I'm in the car with Imani."

There was a pause.

"I'll talk to you later." Ken hung up quickly.

She hung up and I laughed the hardest I laughed in a long time. I felt like I was free after hearing they were sleeping together.

"It's not funny, Mani," she said with a grin.

"Bree! Why didn't you tell me you two were together? I'm happy for you."

I'm even happier, for me!

"We are NOT together. We fuck here and there...that's all."

"Well, good for you."

When she reached my house, I was in an even better mood than I was before I left there.

"So, what time do I need to be ready tomorrow?" I asked.

"By seven...."

"No problem. See ya later bestie!"

"Um Mani...."


"You know Ken still likes you, right?"

"Doesn't matter, cause I don't like him and he has you now. Later Bree."

She shook her head and I went into my house. I threw some pajamas on and got comfortable on the couch. Later that night my phone was Bria, well I thought it was her.

Imani it's Ken, not sure how much of our conversation you heard, but it's not what you think. Bria and I are just friends....that's it.

When I think he can't get any more annoying...he proves me wrong.

Kenneth, I don't care. What you both do is none of my business.

I'm still waiting to take you out to dinner....Can I?

No, Kenneth. Have a good night.

Why are you being so mean? I do have something that could fix that.

I almost gagged.

Not interested. Please don't make me block my friend's number too, go away.

Yeah ok....this isn't over Imani.

Not going to lie, the last text message scared me. I don't understand why he just won't leave me alone.

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