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Yannis walked around one of the many homes Victor owned. He worried, seeing the aftermath of an apparent shoot out.

He grabbed a pillow, still able to smell Imani's scent, but it was starting to fade. This was the third day that she's been gone.

Yannis was aware that Victor had her, and although he greatly disliked him, he knew his brother wouldn't harm her. Victor probably loved her just as much as he did.

Palesa popped into his mind....Usually he knew instantly who she was reincarnated into by the person's eyes, mannerisms or personality. But Yannis wasn't drawn to Imani because he thought she was Palesa.

She was nothing like her, and the only way he knew Imani was a reincarnate was the small crescent birthmark on the side of her neck.

All of her reincarnates had them, but when I saw Imani, nothing about her reminded me of Palesa, and that made my desire to have her stronger. I never felt this magnetic pull toward another woman other than Lesa, so why is Imani so different?

Yannis left his brother's house with his frustration rising by the hour. He missed her so much, and his love for her had nothing to do with Palesa...Imani had his heart, and he would kill anyone to hold her in his arms again.


Imani walked downstairs into the living room of Victor's cabin styled home. She felt much better after taking a shower and changing into some clean panties and a pajama shirt that Victor had his assistant send over. She never would have thought she would be spending her days off being held captive by the same man in her dreams.....who also happened to be Yannis' brother.

Anyone else would probably feel threatened, but Imani actually enjoyed being around Victor. He was a very beautiful romantic man with charm and class. His voice alone made Imani swoon. They talked a little about his interest, his relationship with Palesa, and his encounters with her reincarnates. Imani was truly fascinated by their life cycles.

"Why did you get chosen to be reincarnated over and over again?" Imani asked.

"To keep balance in our world, form alliances and keep my families bloodline going."

"Is that the same for Yanni?"

Victor sighed, rolling his eyes.

"You don't like when I bring him up?" Imani could see the annoyance on his face. He didn't answer.

It's been three days since she talked to her bestie, Bria, or her family. She still wanted to question the disappearance of his gunshot wound but decided to end their conversation.

"Victor, I need to make some phone calls. I don't want my family and friend to worry about me."

"I understand, but I can't let you do that," he answered.

Imani's eyes widened. "But why?....I'm not going to call the police or even Yanni...I don't know his number without my phone anyway."

"And why is that?" Victor asked.

"I haven't had it long enough to memorize it."

" your relationship with him must be new. How new is it... a month, a week?"

"A few days..." She said softly.

"Has he touched you yet?"

Imani looked surprised by the question. He's going to judge me.....I know it.

"Has he?" Victor asked again. Imani nodded.

"Well, I guess it's to be expected. My Palesa has always been free spirited."

She was beginning to get annoyed by the comparison. He even called her that a few times. "I'm not Palesa...I'm Imani."

"I didn't mean to offend you. Do you not like being reminded of your true self?"

"She is not my true self. I met her....she's a very beautiful and amazing woman but we're nothing alike."

He looked surprised. "You've met her?"

"Yes, she was the one that told me I was her reincarnate. She also told me the history between you and your brother Yannis."

"HE IS NOT MY BROTHER!!" He got up and walked toward the bay window.

Palesa knows I despise him. Why would she tell her that?

Imani stood frightened by his outburst and ran back upstairs into the bathroom, locking herself inside. Victor cursed himself for his outburst. He made his way up the steps and stood outside the bathroom door.

"Imani, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Please open the door, sweetheart."

"I want to go home....I miss my family and Bree. I want to go home." Imani's sobs were heard behind the door. Victor's heart began to ache, and he hated hearing her cry.

"Imani, I will let you go home..."

"No, you won't. You only want me here because of Palesa. I am not her....I'm not!" She continued to cry.

"Imani, I know you are your own person. I will never call you her name again, and I promise I will let you go home. Just open the door." The door remained closed.

"The last life Palesa and I had together, we were engaged to be married. The day before our wedding, Yannis and I got into a battle of swords. All of our men fought among each other, and during my short span of being unaware, one of his men was aiming an arrow toward my back. Before it could reach me, Palesa jumped in its path, taking the arrow into her heart. She was pregnant with our child."

A few seconds went by, and the lock on the bathroom door clicked. Then Imani peeked through... Victor gave her a soft grin with sadness in his eyes. She opened the door completely.

She stood there with her eyes filled with tears and gave Victor a hug. She let go and looked down.

"I'm so sorry....that must have been horrible."

"I'm sorry I offended you. That wasn't my intention." Victor lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. She began to shy away from his glare. Imani was absolutely right...she was nothing like Palesa. And she was still perfect in his eyes.

"May I kiss you, Imani?" His thumb caressed her cheek.

Imani gave him a nod, and he softly kissed her full lips. He felt her body tense, but as he continued to kiss her, she relaxed while a soft moan escaped her lips. Victor slowly pushed her against the hallway wall, then lifted her legs around his waist.

"Is this for me?" Victor whispered in her ear, feeling how wet her panties were.

"Yes." She answered with a moan as she moved her hips against his hand.

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