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I put Ethan back into his bouncy chair and sat him on the porch. Then I stood at the top of the steps allowing my power to rise up inside of me.

Now that I fully know my purpose....I finally know who to choose.

"I know who I want!" I shouted, interrupting their bickering.

They all quickly looked at me, each one of them going back to their normal appearances.

"I've struggled with this for a while but given enough time to think and reflect I know exactly what I want and need."

I could see a smile form on all of their faces...Each one was confident enough to assume it was themselves. And they were all absolutely right.

"I want....all four of you."

Before they could react to my words, my body hummed as I raised my hands toward them. Instead of a shock of pain....relief and pleasure glided through their bodies.

I was able to penetrate their thoughts and massage their mind with the effect of a powerful high......I am their addiction afterall.

They all stood silent with their eyes closed and one by one I moved within their thoughts and my words softly caressed their ears, calming their conflict.

(Yannis' thoughts)

I sat in my penthouse on the sectional. Canelle was sitting next to me wearing my t-shirt. She smiled at me then put her legs over mine. I instantly rubbed her soft brown thighs and she kissed my lips. Then I heard her soft voice in my head.

"My first love, I was yours the first day you laid eyes on me as I hoped I would be when I first laid eyes on you."

I grabbed her face and kissed her.

(Victor's thoughts)

Imani stood at the top of the stairs as I took each step. Her scent pleased my senses and the curves of her body showed underneath her sheer nightgown. When I stood in front of her...In my mind, her soft voice could be heard.

My prince charming, your expressions of love have spoiled me. May I spoil you...please?

Imani looked up at me with the sweetest innocent stare and my lips touched hers.

(Hasani's thoughts)

Looking out onto my Kingdom, I felt a faint presence behind me. When I turned around, Imani stood before me wrapped in black silk sheets. She looked at me as if she was in trouble.

"My soul healer....I miss you...my body and soul needs you."

She looked afraid...all I wanted to do at the moment was hold her close and kiss her soft full lips.....and I did.

(Nathan's thoughts)

Imani was standing on my balcony as those familiar tingles ran down my spine. She wore one of my button up shirts and when she turned around the shirt was opened....I could see her naked body. Then she got on her knees.

"My dark angel....I crave to be in your control...Make me surrender again...please?"

My fangs grew as I pulled her off her knees and devoured her mouth.

My words and touch were heard and felt individually for who they were meant for...I could tell they were affected as their bodies relaxed. The humming continued through every limb of their bodies and once their heads tilted back in surrender, I snatched the feeling away.

Four very strong and powerful men....I bit my bottom lip at the control I had over their mind and body.

Their heads instantly jerked forward as they all breathed heavily in confusion. By the time they got their vision together, I was holding Ethan staring at them all.

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