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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Imani....Happy Birthday to you!"

Imani's co-workers cheered and she blew out her candles on her strawberry shortcake.

I'm 25 years old...Wow, time sure does fly.

Her phone rang, it was Bria.

"Hey Mani, I'm on my way. I got caught up in the cake tasting."

"It's ok. So how was it?"

"It was great and Mike sure loved it. Everything for the wedding reception is completely done. Did you get a call from the dressmaker?"

"Yes and I already picked my dress up. I'll show you pics of how it fits when you get here."

"Ok babe...see you soon."

Imani was so happy and excited for Bree's upcoming wedding. She took her maid of honor duties very seriously and wanted her best friend's wedding experience to be everything she wanted.

Later that evening, Imani sat alone in her favorite restaurant eating crab linguine. The city lights were beautiful against the night sky and caused her to sink into her thoughts.

For the past two years, she's remained by herself. She was content being alone and didn't yearn for companionship with anyone but Victor and Yannis.

The last she heard they were doing very well according to their mother Estelle. They purchased new land and built homes for their new wolf pack community. Imani didn't stay on the phone for Estelle to go into details...she knew her heart couldn't take it.

Imani's phone went off and she read the message sent by her sister Miah. When she looked up, she thought she saw a ghost.

Victor was getting out of a Rolls Royce with a beautiful blonde woman on his arm. Imani tried to turn her gaze away but her eyes were locked in on their faces.

At least she's not Allison.

Before she could look away, Yannis exited the same vehicle with Carrie following behind him. Both couples walked into the restaurant.

This cannot be happening....

Imani's face grew warmer as she watched the loves of her life locked arm and arm with gorgeous women. It was like she never even existed.

Their mother was right, they do look happy. Imani, stop staring, you look obsessed...

She turned to look away from them, covering the side of her face with her straightened hair that hung to the middle of her back. Her heart was picking at her, making her want to look at them again.

"Imani, is that you?"

She looked toward the voice.

"Oh! are you?"

In any other circumstance she would have walked out but she needed this distraction.

"I'm good. Mind if I sit down?"

Before she could even respond, he took a seat.

Imani was not fond of Kenneth and that still hasn't changed to this day but she figured he can run his mouth and when she feels the coast is clear she will head out undetected.

"It's been a while, Imani. You look really good..."

"Thanks. You too."

"I got promoted to district manager at my company a few months ago and just purchased a new house."

Imani smiled. "That's great, Kenneth. Congratulations!"

"Thanks, Imani."

He reached over and placed his hand over hers. Her smile slowly left her face.

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