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Hasani sat looking at his earth map of different areas where reincarnates were located. Thousands of gold glowing dots filled the map and the dot's that no longer glowed meant they were deceased and entering back into Feloya to be reborn.

"Looking for someone specific?" Palesa asked.

"No one in particular."

"Lies...You miss Imani, don't you?"

Hasani smiled. "Of course, but I understand she has a child to take care of. I've also missed you...have you been hiding from me?"

"No, I have children to attend to also..."

Hasani looked at her with a smirk.

"Do you see what is going on with the Guardian pack on earth?"

"Let me guess, another take over?"

"Looks like what are you going to do?"

Hasani looked at Palesa confused. "Nothing."

"You're really not going to help Victor and Yannis?"

"They can get themselves out of this on their own. We don't want to keep intruding on their lives, it may cause them to become too dependent on us."

"I thought you liked them."

"I do..."

Palesa looked him over, analyzing his body language. "I's because Imani isn't in danger...isn't it?"

"Oh please....I've helped them plenty of times before Imani was even a thought."

"You do know that if anything happens to Yannis and Victor in this life cycle they will not be reincarnated. Three of Imani's sons will not be born so the four tribes will not be created to form alliances that will in the future dismantle the monstrous being that is forming in the earth's core as we speak."

Hasani rolled his eyes.

"Remember you and Imani's son will not be born unless Victor and Yannis' sons with her are...Nathan already got his son with her, you don't want to be the weak link, do you?"

Hasani took a deep breath...then took a closer look at what was going on with the Guardian pack. Victor and Yannis were held up in one of the homes not surrendering to whomever took control of their pack.

"Okay, but let's just wait and see how this plays out."


Yannis and Victor both got up to make sure they were hearing correctly. Standing in front of Victor's home was Bradley and Allison.

Victor couldn't believe that once again Allison was ruining his life and pack.

"Hello gentlemen. Please lower your weapons...your cooperation will be greatly appreciated."

Neither of them moved, then Allison whistled. A pack member walked into view holding the hands of VJ and Carly.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Both tried to run to their fathers but were held back.

Victor and Yannis' eyes turned yellow as they aimed their weapons at the man holding their kids' hands.

Bradley began to speak. "Don't make this difficult, guys. They already lost both their mothers."

Yannis lowered his aim. "What?"

"They're both dead...we asked them to choose the Dade Pack or the Guardian Pack and well...." Allison shrugged her shoulders.

Victor and Yannis walked forward then guns were pointed at VJ and Carly, causing them to stop in their tracks.

Allison continued speaking. "We're not asking nicely anymore...we're taking. So what's it going to be?"

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