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For Do Hwan, it only seemed like yesterday since he had not long since returned home after his time in the military and everything seemed to be normal or so he thought it was. It was one night when he had taken a walk to a local cafe that it was then after he had been inside and was set to return home again that he soon had a deeply uncomfortable suspicion that he was being followed by someone.

Adjusting the cap on his head and stuffing his hands in the pockets of his coat, Do Hwan quickened his pace hoping that he could somehow lose whoever they were following him, but it was clear the person in question was after him.

For a few moments, everything seemed to go quiet, looking behind he saw no one was longer there but it only made him more wary and anxious and he had every right to be and he had hoped by then he was in the clear and could get home safely.

As the weather changed and it started to rain Do Hwan felt a shiver run down his spine not because he was cold but because that uneasy feeling had soon returned, grabbing his phone from his pocket he tried to call for the police but before he had the chance to he was grabbed from behind and was pulled behind the building. The next few minutes were all but a blur but he could do nothing to get away, struggling to stop the man.

It had been a few weeks since then the man responsible for the attack on him had been caught and arrested but it wasn't the only thing that had happened, he recently found out he was eight weeks pregnant. It had come as a shock and panic once he had taken a test and it had shown to be positive and was then confirmed by a doctor.

He learned that he was a carrier a rare case where he had both male and female reproductive organs and as a result would be able to carry a baby.

What he was told was a lot to take in and for a few days, he felt scared, confused and uncertain about it all and what the future would hold.

In the end, he decided to keep his baby and love and protect the tiny life that was growing inside and although his baby was a result of the attack upon him, he could never bring himself to take away an innocent unborn life and forget its existence.


Waking and sitting up in a sweat, he tried to catch his breath from reliving the nightmare of what had happened that night.

Looking around the room he had realised that he was at home and safe, Do Hwan tried not to dwell on it or think about it too much but sometimes it was a little difficult at times, but he never let it bring him down.

With a gentle sigh of relief leaving his mouth he pushed back the duvet before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day ahead.

Now at ten weeks he was going for another checkup, another ultrasound scan to check on the baby and he hoped this time around, he would get to hear the heartbeat.

Heading towards the bathroom, he passed by the mirror only to stop and gaze at his reflection for a moment. Looking closely he could see a subtle curve at the bottom of his stomach and seeing it only made his breath hitch in his throat, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

He knew over the next nine months he would have to face an uphill battle with people issues and problems with it all including an abundance of questions, he wanted this baby and he wasn't going to let anyone tell him differently

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