A Day Out And Going Shopping

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The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting warm hues across the living room where Do Hwan sat on the floor, surrounded by toys and laughter

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The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting warm hues across the living room where Do Hwan sat on the floor, surrounded by toys and laughter. Sarang, giggled as she clumsily stacked colourful blocks, her small fingers fumbling with each piece.

After getting Sarang dressed and ready for the day ahead, Do Hwan turned his attention to himself, quickly getting dressed and fixing his hair before they were ready to head out. Just as he finished tying his shoelaces, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their guest.

With a grin, Do Hwan scooped Sarang up into his arms and made his way to the door. Opening it, he was greeted by the sight of his best friend, Lee Sang-yi, standing on the doorstep with a wide smile.

"Sang-ah!" Do Hwan exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth. "Come on in."

Sang-yi stepped into the apartment, his eyes lighting up as he caught sight of Sarang in Do Hwan's arms. "Hey there, little princess," he greeted, reaching out to ruffle her hair gently.

Sarang giggled, her eyes sparkling with joy as she reached out to pat Sang-yi's cheek. "Unki Sang - Sang!" she exclaimed, filled with enthusiasm.

Once they were ready to leave they left the apartment and were soon outside, as Do Hwan moved Sarang's car seat from his car Into Sang-yi's car he lifted Sarang into his arms before setting her into her car seat.

"All set, Sarang-ah?" he asked, adjusting her seatbelt with a gentle touch.

Sarang nodded, her eyes shining with excitement as she clutched her favourite toy tightly.

With Sarang securely fastened into her car seat and her walking frame stowed away in the back of Lee Sang-yi's pickup truck, the trio set off for their day out. The gentle hum of the engine and the soothing rhythm of the road filled the air as they made their way towards the shopping centre.

As they drove, Sarang chattered excitedly from the backseat, her voice filled with joy and wonder.

Sang-yi chuckled from the driver's seat, glancing at Do Hwan with a fond smile. "She's such a bright little girl, just like her dad."

Sarang clapped her hands excitedly from the backseat, her laughter ringing out like music in the air. As they drove on, the promise of a fun-filled day ahead filled them with anticipation, the bond between father and daughter, and the warmth of friendship guiding their way.


As they strolled through the bustling corridors, Sarang's eyes darted from one shop window to another, her curiosity piqued by the colorful displays.

Their first stop was a shoe store, where Do Hwan picked out a pair of stylish sneakers for himself. Sarang, always eager to mimic her father, pointed to a miniature pair of sneakers on display matching the ones he had picked out, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Do you like those, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked with a grin. Sarang nodded vigorously, her excitement palpable.

"Alright, let's get them for you," Do Hwan said, scooping up the tiny shoes and placing them in the shopping alongside his own.

As they browsed through the clothing store, Do Hwan couldn't help but marvel at how quickly Sarang was growing. It felt like just yesterday that she was a tiny bundle in his arms, and now she was a vibrant two-year-old with a personality all her own.

After picking out a few outfits for Sarang, Do Hwan turned his attention to the stationary store, where he indulged in his passion for collecting little collectibles and nick nacks as well as stationery. Sarang watched with fascination as her father examined each item, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Do Hwan too indulged in some colorful pens and notebooks for Sarang. Despite her speech delays, she loved scribbling and drawing, her artistic talents shining through even at such a young age.

"Do you want this one, Sarang?" he asked, holding up a notebook decorated with her favorite cartoon characters.

Sarang nodded eagerly, reaching out to grab it with chubby fingers.

"Great choice," Do Hwan said, patting her head lovingly as they made their way to the checkout counter once again.

With their shopping bags in hand Sang-yi, Do Hwan and Sarang made their way to the food court. The three of them sat down to enjoy a delicious meal, laughter and conversation filling the air as Do Hwan began preparing Sarang's feed to go through her Ng tube from the backpack he had brought with everything he needed for her in it.

As they ate, Do Hwan couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these. Despite the challenges he faced as a single father, Sarang brought so much joy and light into his life, reminding him of the beauty and wonder in the world.

With Sarang by his side, Do Hwan knew that no matter what obstacles they faced, they would always overcome them together, one day at a time. And as they finished their meal and headed home, Do Hwan couldn't help but look forward to the many adventures that awaited them in the future, with Sarang leading the way.

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