Dazed Korea Photoshoot

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The brisk morning air filled Do Hwan's apartment as he awoke to the sound of his alarm clock

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The brisk morning air filled Do Hwan's apartment as he awoke to the sound of his alarm clock. Rolling over, he glanced at the clock – it was already 6:00 a.m. A busy day awaited him, filled with the responsibilities of a single father and the demands of his flourishing career.

Getting out of bed, Do Hwan stretched his limbs and made his way to the shower, thoughts racing through his mind about the busy day ahead. Today, he was scheduled for a photoshoot for Dazed Korea's January magazine issue. It was a great opportunity, but with it came the challenge of balancing his career with the responsibilities of caring for Sarang.

After a quick shower, he emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel , feeling the cool air against his damp skin. He walked over to Sarang's room, where she slept peacefully, her tiny chest rising and falling with each breath. Gently nudging her awake, Do Hwan spoke softly, "Good morning, my sweet girl."

Sarang's eyes fluttered open, and a bright smile spread across her face as she recognised her father. "A - Appa!" she exclaimed.

Do Hwan lifted her into his arms. Sarang giggled in response, her small hands reaching out to touch his face.

After ensuring Sarang was dressed and ready for the day, he seated her on his bed, surrounded by her favorite toys. With a watchful eye, he turned his attention to himself, deciding on something casual and easy to wear for the day. As he sat at his dressing table, drying his hair, he stole glances at Sarang through the mirror.

"Do you want to help Appa pick an outfit for the photoshoot, Sarang?" he asked, watching as she reached for a colourful scarf and handed it to him.

With a chuckle, Do Hwan thanked her, appreciating the simplicity and joy that Sarang brought into his life. He carefully selected an outfit that would be comfortable yet stylish, knowing he would be changing into several different looks throughout the photoshoot.

With both father and daughter ready for the day, Do Hwan scooped Sarang into his arms and carried her to the car. Placing her gently in the car seat, he planted a tender kiss on her cheek.

"Are you ready for a fun day, Sarang?" he smiled, his eyes reflecting the deep love he felt for his precious daughter.

Sarang responded with a bright, toothy grin, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. She may have faced hurdles, but her infectious joy radiated, captivating those around her.

Closing the car door, Do Hwan moved to the boot of the car to load Sarang's walking frame and other medical necessities. He had learned to adapt to Sarang's unique needs, becoming a pillar of support for her journey through life.

As he started the engine, they set off towards the bustling streets of Seoul. The city's energy buzzed around them as they made their way to the studio for the photoshoot. Do Hwan navigated the streets with a sense of purpose, his thoughts filled with gratitude for the gift of fatherhood.


Upon reaching the studio, the air was filled with excitement and creativity. Do Hwan carefully carried Sarang inside, her eyes wide with wonder at the new surroundings. The studio team greeted them warmly, appreciating the actor's commitment to balancing his career and the care of his daughter.

Throughout the photoshoot, Sarang's infectious laughter echoed in the studio, creating an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie. Do Hwan, ever the doting father, ensured that Sarang felt comfortable and cherished amidst the hustle and bustle of the shoot.

Though after some amount of time it soon became apparent that Sarang was starting to become  unsettled and restless as she called out.

"A - Appa, Appa!" Sarang called out.

The strong bond between father and daughter was evident as Do Hwan swiftly changed into another outfit and rushed to her side.

"Hey there, Sarang. Appa is right here," he said, crouching down to her level. Gently, he reached out to comfort her, making sure she felt secure. Sarang, with her trust in her father, reached out for him, and Do Hwan effortlessly scooped her up, setting her on his hip.

"There we go, my love. Appa's got you," he reassured her, planting a kiss on her forehead. The studio lights and camera flashes seemed to fade away as Do Hwan focused on the most important role of all – being a loving father to Sarang.

"Appa," Sarang repeated, her small hand patting his cheek.

"I'm here, sweetheart. Let's take a little break together, okay?" Do Hwan spoke in a soothing tone, carrying Sarang to a more comfortable spot. He sat down with her on his lap, making sure she felt secure and loved.

Despite the chaos of the photoshoot, Do Hwan's priority was always Sarang. He spent a few precious minutes comforting her, making silly faces, and playing with her toys to distract her from the unfamiliar surroundings.

As Sarang nestled against his chest, her eyelids grew heavy with fatigue. Do Hwan noticed her struggle to stay awake and whispered, "It's okay, Sarang. Don't fight it, sweetpea."

He began to pat her back rhythmically, the soothing motion combined with the comforting sound of his heartbeat lulling Sarang into a peaceful slumber. Do Hwan looked down at his daughter, marvelling at the bond they shared.

Sarang, despite her restlessness, snuggled against him, finding solace in the warmth of her father's embrace.

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