Bathtime and Cuddles

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they arrived home, Do Hwan gently unbuckled Sarang from her car seat and cradled her in his arms

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they arrived home, Do Hwan gently unbuckled Sarang from her car seat and cradled her in his arms. She nestled her head against his chest, sensing that something was amiss. The house was filled with an uneasy silence as they made their way to the living room. He gently settled onto the sofa, with Sarang in his lap, holding her close.

Sarang's innocent eyes met her father's, and she reached up to touch his cheek, wiping away an unnoticed tear that had escaped from his eye. She may have had difficulties with her speech, coordination, and walking, but her love and empathy were boundless.

Do Hwan lovingly whispered to her, "Sarang-ah, don't worry, okay? Appa is just a little sad right now." He kissed her forehead, gently resting his cheek against the top of her head.

Sarang gazed up at her father with a knowing look, her eyes reflecting a deep connection between them. She couldn't understand the cruelty of the world outside, but she knew that her Appa was upset. In her own way, she offered her comfort, wrapping her tiny arms around him in a warm hug.

"N - no sad, Appa," she said softly.

Her words were like a soothing balm to his wounded heart. Do Hwan leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his cheek resting atop her head. They sat there, father and daughter, wrapped in an unbreakable bond of love and understanding.

In that moment, Do Hwan realized that no amount of cruelty or mockery from the outside world could ever diminish the love he had for his precious Sarang. Together, they would face whatever challenges life threw their way, hand in hand, their hearts forever intertwined.

Sarang, sensitive to her father's emotions, snuggled closer to him. She reached out to touch his face, her small hand brushing away another tear that had managed to break free. "Appa," she whispered, her voice soft and gentle, like a soothing melody.

Woo Do Hwan blinked back his tears, gazing down at her with a mix of love and sadness in his eyes. "Sarang, my precious Sarang," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "You're perfect just the way you are. Never forget that. Those people, they don't understand, and their words don't matter. You are the light of my life, and I'll protect you with everything I have."

Sarang nestled even closer, her heartwarming smile lighting up the room. "Appa," she said again, her word filled with a love that transcended language.

Sarang, sometimes unable to form words clearly, began to babble and make funny noises. She reached out her small hand and touched her father's cheek, her way of comforting him. Her innocent gestures and unspoken words spoke volumes to Do Hwan, bringing a small, watery smile to his lips.

As the evening sun cast a warm, golden glow over their living room, Woo Do Hwan knew that his daughter, with her unique way of communicating, had brought solace to his wounded heart. Together, they would face the world with courage, love, and the unbreakable bond that only a father and daughter could share


As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Do Hwan knew it was time for Sarang's evening routine. He carefully carried her down the hall to the bathroom. Sarang's trust in her father was evident as she placed her small hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Do Hwan set her gently on the toilet, making sure she was comfortable. He then turned his attention to the bathtub, adjusting the water temperature to ensure it was just right for his daughter. All the while, Sarang watched him with those bright, inquisitive eyes that held a world of innocence

After preparing the bath, he turned back to his daughter, helping her remove her shoes and ankle splints. He placed them by the front door with care, returning to Sarang, he helped her undress, his movements deliberate and gentle, ensuring her comfort and dignity.

Do Hwan scooped her up, his strong arms cradling her delicate frame, and lowered her into the warm water. He took a soft cloth and began to wash her, his movements slow and loving. Sarang's laughter filled the bathroom as she splashed and played, reveling in the simple joy of the moment.

After washing her body, Do Hwan turned his attention to her hair, being extra cautious not to let shampoo get near her eyes. Sarang giggled as he gently poured water over her head, rinsing away the shampoo. Her trust in him was unwavering, and he treasured every moment they spent together.

Sarang was more than her condition; she was a radiant soul, a precious gift. And as he held her close in the gentle embrace of a father's love, Do Hwan knew that their bond was unbreakable. Together, they would face life's challenges, emerging stronger with each passing day.

Once the bath was complete, Do Hwan wrapped Sarang in a soft, fluffy towel and carried her back to her room. He lovingly dressed her in her favorite pajamas, her face beaming with happiness.

Sarang's bedtime story was an adventure they both enjoyed every night. As he read to her, she listened intently, her eyes fixed on her father's face, her heart filled with love and contentment.

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