First Night

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An hour later just as it was getting dark and Do Hwan had a chance to spend time with his daughter the midwife returned to the room along with his doctor breaking the pause in silence.

"Well, Do Hwan, the good news is that the afterbirth is all there so we don't need to worry anymore on that. But while I'm still here I'll check baby over and with that equipment on the side there I can weigh her to see how much she weighs okay and then the doctor can check her over?"


"I believe congratulations are in order", his doctor spoke with a soft smile.

"Thank you."

"Now, if it's alright with you I'd to talk with you about a few things for a moment."

"Of course", he replied.

Giving Sarang to the midwife the new parent watched and listened as his daughter fussed a little but didn't cry as the midwife began checking her over but it seemed after a minute or two the midwife stopped making Do Hwan look towards his daughter in concern.

"Is everything okay, is she alright?"

"She hasn't opened her eyes yet, but don't worry I'm sure they will open soon.", she said moving Sarang onto a piece of cloth and hooking the scales onto the loop in the cloth and gently lifting her up to see how much the little girl weighed.

"There we are, she's coming in at four pounds and four ounces", she announced turning towards him, "Now then, I know something she would like, Mr Woo would you like to have skin-to-skin contact with her it will help her regulate her heart rate, breathing and get her use to your sent."

Immediately without hesitation, he made sure he was covered up properly before taking it off the gown putting it to one side leaving his chest exposed, before instinctively holding out his arms as Sarang was gently placed into them. But before long she started to fuss a little with one of her tiny hands catching and grabbing his finger, with quick thinking, Do Hwan began gently stroking her head hoping to soothe her.

"Hey, baby girl shh it's okay, it's okay appa's here it's alright.", he said softly as she had calmed down making cute little noises hence making a small smile appear on his face.

Laying back against the headboard of the bed, he set her gently laying on his chest right near his heart so she listen close to the sound of his heartbeat it proved to be very much effective. Do Hwan could only marvel at the sight of his little girl watching intently with pure love within his eyes and a smile on his face as she tried to snuggle her little body closer to him, her clearly liking the warmth, and comfort her appa gave off and not forgetting the gentle thumping sound of his heart.

"Oh, I'm sorry doctor you were saying?"

"It's alright don't worry. But what I was going to say was... I'm not going to stand here and say that the road ahead of you won't be an easy one because there will be some difficult times ahead of you not just now but In the future too. In many ways, she is like any other child but she will be slower to walk and talk than the average child but she will walk and talk it will just take time and children like your daughter can be so rewarding to care for, they're best known for being happy and affectionate."

"I know, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit worried or scared, but to me, she is worth everything to me and I will and always will do anything for her because she is mine and she means the world to me.", he spoke softly before placing a gentle kiss to Sarang's forehead as she cooed.

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