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Once set for the day he looked upon the mirror once again before adjusting the cap slightly more on his head, to then straighten and smooth down the grey t-shirt he had chosen to wear. As he smoothed it down Do Hwan couldn't help but stop at the base of his stomach where the small curve was situated, now he had already seen it he couldn't unsee it.

He hoped that he would be able to conceal his pregnancy for as long as possible until he was ready to reveal it or at least until his stomach would start to become harder to hide under his clothes.

Picking up his phone he checked the time needing to leave as the scan would be soon. Leaving the house and getting in the car to head to the hospital he could feel as if his heart would burst out of his chest from the anticipation beating like a drum.


Before he knew it he arrived at the hospital and he quickly began to feel his nerves bubbling up inside. The silence around him was almost defining as he was quickly lost in his own world until he had snapped out of it.

Leaving the safety of the car Do Hwan ventured into the hospital where he was met with the very familiar smell of disinfectant and cleaning products that made up the well-known smell of a hospital.

He had soon told the Lady at the reception that we were there to see his doctor and now it was very much a waiting game until his name was called by one of the nurses and it wasn't long before that happened.

"Woo Do Hwan?"

Once his name was called he walked down the hall, and upon entering the room his nerves only increased tenfold.

"Good Morning Do Hwan. Are you ready for your ultrasound?"

"Yes, very much so.", he replied as a smile appeared on his face.

"Good, I'd like to have a feel of your stomach first just like we had done on your first scan given you are a male and this pregnancy is a little more at risk than it would be for a woman okay?"


Getting onto a bed he watched as the doctor examined his stomach.

For a few moments, he felt a small amount of pressure on his stomach as she moved her hands around pressing down every few seconds, and thankfully she was soon finished.

"I'm sorry, I know that was a little uncomfortable. Okay, let's get this ultrasound started."

Once the ultrasound had gotten underway there was a pause of silence that was starting to make him feel anxious but it was soon broken.

"There we are there's your baby."

Looking toward the screen, he could see the tiny shape that was his baby, and once again just like when he had first had an ultrasound he still couldn't quite believe it and another smile followed.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

"Yes, yes please I'd like that very much", he replied instantly without hesitation wanting to know what it was like.

With a flick of a switch, the beautiful sound that was his baby's heartbeat began to fill his ears and filling the whole of the room. At that moment, he couldn't help but gasp in utter shock and awe, he couldn't wait to be able to hear the heartbeat and now that he had it made his baby even more real and physical.

Gasping his soft crying and sniffing were muffled by his hand as the reality of it all had now truly hit him. After hearing the heartbeat he knew now he would never forget such a day like this, he loved his baby so much and couldn't wait to see his pregnancy progress and to meet his baby in nine months time.

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do HwanWhere stories live. Discover now