Speech And Physio Therapy - Part 2

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After the speech therapy, they had a short break before Sarang's physiotherapy session

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After the speech therapy, they had a short break before Sarang's physiotherapy session. Do Hwan decided to take her to the hospital canteen for a drink and a snack. Sarang's eyes lit up as she spotted the colorful array of snacks and beverages, and she pointed excitedly at her choices.

With their snacks in hand, they made their way to the physiotherapy room. The therapist, Mr. Choi, greeted them warmly and quickly got to work. Do Hwan watched with a mixture of pride and anxiety as Mr. Kim carefully removed Sarang's shoes, ankle splints and socks revealing her little feet.

Mr. Choi began the session by assessing Sarang's balance. He placed her on a mat and encouraged her to stand, with Do Hwan crouching nearby for support. Sarang's face was a mixture of determination and frustration as she wobbled on her unsteady legs. Do Hwan's voice was a soothing melody as he encouraged her.

"Come on, Sarang-ah," he said, his voice conveying his love and affection. "You're doing great, my darling. Just a little longer."

Sarang struggled, her legs trembling, but with a final push, she managed to stand for a few precious seconds. Her face lit up with pride, her eyes sparkling with happiness. However, her excitement got the better of her, and she fell back onto her bottom with a soft thud.

Do Hwan couldn't help but smile at her determination and resilience, even in the face of setbacks. He reached out to lift her, and she whined in frustration, her speech delays preventing her from expressing her emotions fully. Still, her father understood.

"It's okay, Sarang-ah," he reassured her, his heart brimming with pride. "You'll get there."

Mr. Choi was understanding but eager to push forward. He wanted to see if Sarang could take a few steps without assistance. Do Hwan moved to the other side of the room and knelt down, extending his arms to beckon Sarang toward him. 

"Come to Appa, Sarang," he coaxed gently, to make her feel safe. "You're doing so well, just a few steps, darling."

Sarang summoned all her determination and took a few unsteady steps, her face lit with a mixture of concentration and effort. Her feet shuffled along the floor, and her tiny legs trembled, but she was taking those first steps toward independence.

However, exhaustion quickly set in, and Sarang's legs gave way, causing her to tumble once again. She let out a soft cry, and Mr. Choi, recognising her fatigue, decided to conclude the appointment.

With her father's encouraging smile and voice urging her forward, Sarang summoned every ounce of her strength. She managed a few shaky steps, but her weariness soon overcame her, and she fell once more.

With Sarang clearly tiring, Mr. Choi concluded the appointment, gently guiding her back to her father's loving arms. Do Hwan held her close, whispering words of reassurance as he helped her put on her splints and shoes once more. The day's appointments were over, but their journey toward progress continued.

"You did great today, Sarang," Mr. Choi praised, ruffling her hair with a warm smile. "We'll try again next time, okay?"

With Sarang on his hip, her tiny hands clutching the edges of his coat, they left the hospital The brisk wind hit them as they stepped outside, but Do Hwan had mastered the art of bundling up his little princess to keep her warm.


The therapy sessions were essential for her development, but they often left her tired and a bit grizzly. As they arrived home, he carried her gently in his arms, careful not to disturb her as he unlocked the front door.

"Sarang-ah," he whispered lovingly, "We're home now."

Sarang nestled her head against his shoulder, her tiny arms and legs wrapped tightly around him.

He kissed her forehead softly before making his way to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea. The rhythmic clink of the tea kettle and the soothing aroma of chamomile filled the air.

With Sarang settled in his arms, Woo Do Hwan moved to his recliner chair. He had chosen it with comfort in mind, knowing that moments like these would be precious. As he lowered himself into the chair, he felt Sarang's weight against him, her warmth seeping through his shirt.

Placing his tea on the coffee table, he adjusted Sarang's position, making sure she was comfortable. Her tired eyes blinked heavily, and she let out a soft whimper, clearly agitated from the therapy session. Woo Do Hwan knew what she needed.

He began to gently soothe her, rubbing her back in slow, circular motions. "Sarang-ah, it's okay, Appa's here," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "You can rest now, my darling. Appa's got you."

Sarang's eyes fluttered as she listened to her father's soothing words. His touch and presence always made her feel safe and loved. She began to relax against him, her small body gradually growing limp as sleep tugged at her tired eyes.

Do Hwan continued to stroke her back, his heart overflowing with love for his daughter. He couldn't help but marvel at her strength and resilience, facing every challenge with a smile that could light up even the darkest of days.

Sarang shifted, her eyes fluttering open for a moment before closing again. She let out a soft sigh, her body finally succumbing to the fatigue that had overtaken her. Do Hwan continued to rub her back in slow, rhythmic circles, the touch of his hand offering comfort and reassurance.

The room was bathed in a warm, comforting glow as the now afternoon sun streamed in through the curtains. Do Hwan's cup of tea sat on the coffee table, forgotten for the moment. He knew that these were the precious moments he cherished the most – the ones where it was just him and his daughter, sharing an unspoken connection that transcended words.

As Sarang's breathing deepened and her body relaxed, Do Hwan couldn't help but smile. He marveled at the strength and resilience that radiated from his daughter, even in the face of her challenges. She was his greatest treasure, and he was determined to be the best father he could be for her, every step of the way.

Do Hwan couldn't help but smile down at his daughter's peaceful slumber. Her delicate features that mirrored his own, framed by a few wayward strands of hair, made her appear even more angelic. With great tenderness, he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on her cute little nose.

"Sleep well my darling," he whispered in a hushed tone, his voice filled with love and affection.

The room was bathed in a warm, soft light, and the world outside seemed to stand still. In that moment, Do Hwan and his precious Sarang were in their own little world, where love and devotion knew no bounds. As they rested together, father and daughter, their hearts were intertwined in an unbreakable bond of affection and tenderness.

Happy birthday to me :)


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