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Do Hwan was in the hotel just under forty-eight hours when he began to notice changes in Sarang and it was starting to worry him a little, he hoped it wouldn't come to anything as getting back into Seoul would be just as difficult as it was gettin...

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Do Hwan was in the hotel just under forty-eight hours when he began to notice changes in Sarang and it was starting to worry him a little, he hoped it wouldn't come to anything as getting back into Seoul would be just as difficult as it was getting out to the hotel but to him, that didn't matter, Sarang was his whole world and she came first before anything and he would do anything for her.

He had started to notice that within that time small changes, he had started to see she was more lethargic, more tired than usual and within the last few hours had seemed to develop a cough and watched her closely for any further changes. At midday having returned to his room after having dinner in the hotel restaurant, he held his daughter against his chest with one hand on her back and the other gently patting her bum in the hope it would help give her comfort and help to settle her.

Getting comfortable against the headboard of the bed, he set her gently laying on his chest right near his heart so she could listen closely to the sound of his heartbeat. Sarang now a lot calmer, Do Hwan himself felt more relaxed seeing that she was no longer upset and was content being in his arms. For a moment, he continued to look at her watching her every movement and in response he watched as she looked at him directly giving him her beautiful doe eyes as she cooed, adjusting his hold on her he moved from his arms around her to hold her against his chest before moving the blanket she was wrapped in making sure she was kept warm. As he gently rubbed and patted her back Sarang was soon off to sleep with grunts and soft breaths leaving her mouth as she made small movements.

Cradling his daughter's head Do Hwan gave a smile while kissing her forehead before nuzzling his nose against her hairline, while her tiny fingers reached for her father's face making him chuckle once again, "I love you my little one."

She only ended up sleeping for an hour and something didn't seem quite right.

"Hi, my beautiful girl did you have a good sleep?", he asked softly his voice but only a whisper. He watched her intently as she made cute little noises making small movements as she then balled her hands into tiny fists and it was long before she became unsettled and started to cry, he tried to soothe and settle her again but this time it didn't seem to work.

Looking a little closer at her something didn't sit right with him, she was pale and had started to cough again and this time Do Hwan was going to wait any longer. Trusting his instincts he lay Sarang down while he moved off of the bed and began packing getting ready to leave before turning on his heel and going back over to his daughter, changing her nappy and putting her in a different romper he gently put her in the baby seat before grabbing his bag and leaving the room.


Arriving at the hospital, Do Hwan wasted no time in gathering his little girl in his arms and running inside.

"Help! someone, please help.", he called out desperately with sheer panic in his voice as moments before he got to the hospital he saw she had started to have a fit, a seizure.

Within seconds nurses and doctors came forward to take her out of his arms and wheeled her away to carry out an examination and treat her. He began to follow them out of almost pure desperation, wanting to be there with her wanting to be by her side but was quickly stopped by one of the nurses.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't go any further than this point."

Hearing those words his heart sank, he didn't want to leave his daughter alone but he knew he didn't have a say in the matter right now and let the doctors and nurses help his daughter. He nodded, wiping away a stray tear that fell down his face. The nurse gave a look of sympathy as she turned and walked away, he sighed and took a seat in the waiting area.

Now only time would tell...

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do HwanWhere stories live. Discover now