First Bath

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It was a Saturday and Sarang was now a week old. A small piece of the cord the stump was still yet to fall off and she couldn't have a proper bath until it did so, for now, Do Hwan decided to give her a sponge bath in a tub.

Sitting in the chair in the corner of Sarang's room with her nestled in his arms he waited patiently for her to wake up. Looking down at her he held a gentle loving gaze in his eyes and a smile he watched as her tiny limbs began to move and her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Hi sweetheart.", he spoke aloud before stroking her forehead with the back of his index finger.

He watched as she shuffled in his arms a little before her eyes closed and opened as one of her eyes closed tightly with her hand moving towards her face.

Do Hwan couldn't help but chuckle, "Oh that's a funny face sweetpea what's that face, hmm?"

After waiting a few minutes, Sarang was more awake and alert and Do Hwan knew it would be a good time to give her a bath. Standing and laying Sarang in her cot for a moment he made the few steps towards the bathroom to get everything ready, grabbing the tub he placed it in the bath before turning on the tap and continuing to check the temperature to make sure it wasn't too hot and soon turning off the tap remembering he read he would only needing a small amount of water in the tub when it came to bathing a newborn baby.

Returning to his daughter's room he reached into the cot supporting her head and body he lifted her up and out before turning and taking her to the changing station on the opposite side of the room to remove her clothes and nappy to get her ready for her bath, though as soon as her clothes were removed it was clear she didn't like the chill she could feel on her skin and began to make noises showing she was displeased as she wined and grumbled while moving her hands and feet.

"I know I'm sorry darling, let's get you into that bath.", he spoke before kissing her forehead and picking her up to take her to the bathroom.

Returning to the bathroom and carefully kneeling beside the bath he slowly lowered Sarang into the tub that was placed in the centre of the bath and watched as her eyes went a little wide and her little body moved and wriggled getting used to the new sensation, getting used to the water as she began making little noises and to Do Hwan, his baby girl almost sounded like a baby monkey.

He couldn't help but smile and giggle, "What's that Sarang, you sound like a little monkey. Oh you do, yes you do my sweet girl."

Continuing to support and gently hold her head, grabbing a nearby soft flannel with his free hand began to wash her body being extra careful and gentle on her belly and around the stump on her belly button.

He watched her doe eyes moved as if she was trying to take in her surroundings and she started to make cooing noises and it didn't fail to make him smile again watching his daughter as his heart flooded with warmth.

"Is the water nice? You like it don't you sweetheart... Yeah."


Before long, as the water started to grow cold he lifted Sarang from the tub. Grabbing a small towel and wrapping her up in the towel and heading back to her room.

Picking a romper from the dresser filled with all of Sarang's clothes, he smiled seeing it was with the pattern that covered it in cute baby bunnies. Dressing her it was clear she was contented again, picking her up and holding her against his chest placing a kiss atop her head.

"Let's go downstairs sweetheart it's about time for your feed."

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