Another Hospital Stay

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Do Hwan sat in the corner of the small, brightly lit hospital room, the sterile scent of antiseptic mixing with the faint aroma of baby powder from his daughter's skin

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Do Hwan sat in the corner of the small, brightly lit hospital room, the sterile scent of antiseptic mixing with the faint aroma of baby powder from his daughter's skin. Sarang lay cradled in his arms, her tiny body stretched lengthwise across his legs. Her breathing was noisy, a raspy sound that tugged at his heart with every inhalation. He felt her chest rise and fall rapidly against his own, her heart beating fast and erratic. Her once rosy cheeks were pale, and her usually vibrant eyes fluttered open and closed, too exhausted to stay awake.

"Sarang-ah," he whispered, his voice breaking through the quiet hum of medical equipment. "Appa's here. Appa's got you."

He pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head, his lips lingering against her soft hair. The warmth of her skin offered him a fragile sense of comfort. He gently rested his cheek atop her head, feeling the coolness of her hair against his face, and closed his eyes, drawing strength from her presence.

Do Hwan leaned back in his chair, adjusting Sarang in his arms. He looked down at her, her tiny fingers curling around his thumb. She was so small, so fragile, but he knew she was a fighter. She had already overcome so much in her short life.

"Sarang-ah," he whispered again, his voice filled with love and determination. "Appa is here, and Appa won't leave your side. You're so strong, my little love. You'll get through this. We'll get through this together."

Sarang stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open for a brief moment. She looked up at him with a weak but trusting gaze, and he felt his heart swell with emotion. He gently rocked her, humming a soft lullaby he had sang to her since she was a baby, hoping to soothe her back to sleep. He knew the days ahead would be challenging, filled with uncertainty and fear, but as long as he had Sarang in his arms, he would find the strength to keep going.

In that quiet hospital room, Do Hwan held his daughter close, drawing strength from her small, fragile body. He pressed another kiss to her head, his tears mingling with her hair, and whispered, "I love you, Woo Sarang. Always."


Sarang stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering but not fully opening. She was weak and lethargic, having been in and out of sleep. Her tiny hands clung to his shirt as if it were her lifeline.

"A - Appa," she mumbled, her speech slurred but the affection clear.

"Yes, my sweet girl. Appa is right here. We're going to get through this together."

Her noisy breathing filled the silence that followed. He could feel the rapid beating of her heart against his chest. Each beat was a reminder of her fragility and his responsibility to protect her.

He thought back to the day he found out about her condition. The doctors had been gentle but straightforward, explaining the challenges that lay ahead. At first, he had been overwhelmed by the fear and uncertainty. But one look at Sarang, her innocent eyes filled with trust, had been enough to galvanize him into action. She needed him to be strong, and that was what he intended to be.

"Remember the story about the little princess who lived in a beautiful castle?" he asked softly, hoping to distract her and himself from the grim reality they faced.

Sarang nodded weakly, her eyes still closed.

"The princess was very brave, just like you. She faced many challenges but never gave up. And do you know why?"

Sarang's tiny fingers tightened their grip on his shirt, a sign that she was listening.

"Because she had a heart full of love, just like you. And she knew that no matter what happened, her father would always be by her side."

A tear escaped Do Hwan's eye, but he quickly brushed it away. He needed to be strong for her.

The door to their room opened, and a nurse stepped in. "Mr. Woo, we need to take Sarang for some more tests now."

Do Hwan nodded, gently shifting Sarang into the nurse's arms. Sarang whimpered softly, her distress evident.

"Shh, it's okay, Sarang. Appa will be right here when you come back," he reassured her, his heart aching as he watched her being taken away.

As the door closed behind them, Do Hwan sat back down, his mind racing with worries. The waiting was the hardest part. Each second felt like an eternity as he hoped and prayed for positive news.

He leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes briefly. The exhaustion was catching up to him, but he couldn't afford to rest. His thoughts drifted to the past two years—the sleepless nights, the constant hospital visits, and the unwavering love that had grown stronger with each challenge they faced.

The minutes ticked by slowly, each one filled with a mix of hope and fear. Finally, the door opened again, and the nurse brought Sarang back, her tiny body still as fragile as ever.

"She's done for now," the nurse said kindly. "We'll continue to monitor her closely. Try to get some rest."

Do Hwan nodded, taking Sarang back into his arms. He gently rocked her, humming a softly.

As Sarang drifted off to sleep, her breathing steadying slightly, Do Hwan felt a renewed sense of determination. This journey was far from over, but he knew that together, they could face anything.

"Appa loves you, Sarang," he whispered, pressing another kiss to her head. "So much."

And as he held her close, he made a silent vow to continue fighting for her, to be her strength when she had none, and to always, always be there for his beloved daughter.


Author's note - I can't believe it's been two years. Two years ago today I started writing this book and I never expected it to get as many reads and votes as it has so to everyone who has been reading and voting, thank you it means a lot as I lost someone close to me in October of 2021 before I started writing this July 2022, writing is my escape from the turmoil that is my life, so yes, once again thank you and don't worry this book is far from over.

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