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With Sarang secure and snuggled against his chest in the makeshift wrap Do Hwan began making his way downstairs dreading what he was about to find and any potential aftermath he was going to see after the flood.

Taking slow and careful steps down the stairs, he soon made it to the bottom step before deciding to head to the kitchen first. Reaching the door to the kitchen he slowly but surely opened the door just in case any standing water came through, as he walked through the door and took a few steps into the kitchen where immediately he was met with a layer of water that came over his feet and came just above his ankles.

Luckily, the water that had gotten into the house wasn't too deep but there was a layer of water. Do Hwan knew whatever damage had been caused by the flood some things would need to be replaced.

Though for now, he knew the best he could do was to try and clean and get rid of as much water as possible and dry anything that was touched by the murky flood water.

Going around the ground floor of the house he gathered anything he could find to help clear away the flood water in the kitchen and a part of the living room that he soon discovered he set about cleaning as much as possible.

However, it would soon become apparent he wouldn't have the chance to. Trying to put anything electrical into plug sockets came as an unwanted issue and Do Hwan could only curse under his breath in frustration. He knew it could only mean one thing the power must have gone out and house electrics fried due to the storm and all of the water that had gotten in.

It seemed that all of the worry and frustration had built up and it quickly became apparent Sarang could sense her appa was upset and frustrated and soon woke up and began to wiggle slightly against his chest as her head tilted upward a little with her big doe eyes looking at him.

"Hi baby girl, sorry darling I didn't mean to wake you up.", he spoke in a soft tone before placing a kiss atop her head. He knew now, that he would have to find somewhere to stay while his house would go under repair which would mean letting the authorities know.

With a sigh leaving his lips, he returned to his room to find his phone and ultimately find somewhere to stay for a few days.


Within a couple of hours, Do Hwan had managed to find somewhere to stay for a few days and call the authorities and have people come to fix and repair the downstairs of the house and electrics.

Packing two bags one for himself and one for Sarang with everything he would need for her such as the special milk formula she needs, some of her clothes and nappies.

With the bags packed and Sarang still snuggled against his chest in the makeshift wrap, he made his way downstairs and out to his car. Putting the bags in the boot of the car he turned his attention to putting his daughter into her car seat, strapping her in he watched as she gazed at him, as she made small movements with her arms and legs as she started to coo and gurgle and he couldn't help but smile, she was only now just over a week old yet, she never failed to make him chuckle or smile she was just his precious little bundle of joy and happiness.

Giving her a kiss atop her head he made ready to set out on the hour and a half journey to the hotel he had found booking a room for a few days to stay while his would go under repair, he just hoped now nothing else would happen.

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do HwanWhere stories live. Discover now