Sarang's Room

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A week later and Do Hwan was waiting for the furniture he had ordered online so he could start making the spare room into a room for Sarang, even though he was only twenty-three weeks along he wanted to decorate the room and make sure everything was ready and perfect for her for when she comes into the world.

Getting dressed and ready for the day he found himself feeling hungry but that soon changed. For a few moments, all was calm and peaceful though it wasn't long before he started to feel uneasy. With his stomach beginning to turn like a washing machine he knew there and then that he was going to be sick, and before he had time to fully comprehend what was going on he was already making his way to the bathroom just as he began retching.

Trying to catch his breath was becoming ever more difficult but it soon became easier to regain control of his breathing. He didn't like having morning sickness and he knew it was a part of being pregnant but it felt like it was only getting worse. Wiping his mouth and flushing the toilet, he stood before collecting himself and taking a deep breath.

With another few minutes passing by, he was starting to feel more like himself again and soon left the bathroom. Though he had lost his appetite he knew he needed to try and eat something for Sarang, once downstairs and in the kitchen he tried to think of something healthy to make that wouldn't overload his stomach and he wouldn't feel sick again.

Deciding on making some porridge he set about making it and within a few it was ready as he added a few strawberries for toppings. Finishing the breakfast and putting some of the porridge into a bowl Do Hwan took a seat at the table taking a seat at the table as he started to eat a small mouthful of it at a time, not wanting to unsettle his stomach.

For a few minutes, all was calm and quiet until he felt a little kick alerting and letting him know that Sarang was awake, with his free hand he rubbed his hand over and around his belly as he continued to feel her kicking.

"Hi, precious girl are you awake now, did you have a good sleep?"

Feeling another kick under his palm he took it as a yes as he gave a small smile and carried on eating soon to finish the last of his breakfast.


A couple of hours later, there was a knock at the door, upon answering he was greeted by two delivery men who had brought everything to the door.

Signing for the for the delivery he bid them goodbye and began bringing everything inside before taking one thing at a time up the stairs until he had everything in Sarang's room.

Opening each box, he made a start and putting things together one at a time making sure to take breaks in between not wanting to tire himself out strain or hurt himself and make Sarang unsettled.

Over the space of a few hours, he watched as the room slowly took shape and his ideas came to life as he organised the room and the furniture in a way that he liked the most. Before long, everything was set in it's final place and he could take a step back and admire the room, as a smile came to rest on his face it never left a least not for a short while everything was perfect.

As Do Hwan continued to look around the room his gaze was soon turned away as he looked down at his belly before feeling a kick and he placed his hand where she kicked.

Now seeing the room in it's finished state made everything seem all the more real.

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