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Today was a regular day, and Do Hwan's thoughts turned to the more mundane task at hand: grocery shopping

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Today was a regular day, and Do Hwan's thoughts turned to the more mundane task at hand: grocery shopping. He glanced at the nearly empty fridge and cupboards and decided it was time to restock their supplies. After securing Sarang in her car seat, he helped her into her warm coat, carefully fastening the buttons, and then attached her ankle splints.

With Sarang was ready, Do Hwan put on his own coat and shoes, and then they were off to the supermarket. As they entered the brightly lit store, Sarang's eyes widened with curiosity, taking in the aisles filled with all sorts of products and people bustling about.

Once they reached the supermarket, Do Hwan was relieved to find a shopping cart with a child seat. He lifted Sarang and settled her into the seat, securing her with the provided safety straps. She clapped her hands, clearly thrilled at the prospect of an adventure.

Do Hwan pushed the cart through the store, a shopping list in hand. His fatherly instincts had sharpened over time, and he knew exactly what they needed. As he reached for a can of soup, Sarang reached out, her tiny fingers brushing the items on the shelves. She was playing a little game of her own, seemingly wanting to grab everything in sight.

He chuckled and looked down at her. "Woo Sarang You cheeky monkey. You can't have everything," he teased.

Sarang responded with a mischievous giggle, her laughter filling the supermarket's aisles. The warmth of her laughter was infectious, and Do Hwan couldn't help but laugh along with her. It was a reminder that, despite the challenges they faced, their bond was unbreakable.

They continued their grocery shopping adventure, with Sarang occasionally reaching for items and giggling as her father placed them in the cart. Do Hwan knew that life with Sarang might be unconventional, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. She had brought an abundance of love and joy into his world, and together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

They continued their shopping, with Sarang occasionally grabbing items that caught her attention and dropping them into the trolley. She was a source of delight for other shoppers who watched her with smiles and fondness. Do Hwan navigated the store expertly, keeping an eye on his little explorer and ensuring they got everything they needed.

As they approached the checkout counter, Sarang became fussy, and Do Hwan realized she was tired. He gently whispered in her ear, "We're almost done, sweetheart. Then we'll go home, and you can take a nice nap."

The promise of a nap seemed to calm Sarang, and she nestled into the crook of his arm. Do Hwan unloaded the groceries onto the conveyor belt.

Once the groceries were paid for and bagged, they made their way back to the car. Do Hwan carefully placed Sarang in her car seat, making sure she was comfortable and secure. He couldn't help but stare at her with a mixture of love and wonder as he fastened her seatbelt.

As he drove home, Sarang's eyes grew heavy, and she yawned. He knew she needed her nap.

When they arrived home, he carried her into her room, gently laying her down in her bed. He covered her with a soft blanket and brushed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams, my little Sarang," he whispered before quietly leaving the room.

With a sigh of relief, Do Hwan made his way to the living room. Being a single father was no easy task, but he wouldn't trade it for the world. The love and bond he shared with Sarang were unlike anything he had ever experienced, and he was determined to give her the best life possible.

As he settled in for a quiet afternoon at home, he couldn't help but smile. Sarang had brought a new kind of joy and purpose into his life, and he was forever grateful for the unexpected gift of fatherhood.


An hour and a half passed since they had returned, and Do Hwan knew it was time to wake Sarang up for her feeding. 

Slowly, he made his way to her room, the wood floors creaking beneath his careful steps. The sight of his daughter, her tiny chest rising and falling with every breath, melted his heart. He leaned down and brushed a few strands of hair away from her face, his fingertips gentle as a breeze. "Sarang," he whispered. "It's time to wake up, my angel."

Crouching beside her tiny bed. She stirred, her almond-shaped eyes slowly opening to meet his gaze. Her mouth formed a sleepy, gummy smile, and she reached out for her father.

Gently, Do Hwan scooped her into his arms, cradling her against his chest. Sarang's warm weight was comforting, a constant reminder of the precious gift that was his daughter. As he made his way to the kitchen, her head rested on his shoulder, and her small hand clung to the collar of his shirt. Sarang's trust in her father was unwavering.

She let out a soft, contented sigh, and her eyes met her father's. Do Hwan's heart swelled with love for this precious child who depended on him for everything.

In the cozy kitchen, he began to prepare Sarang's feed. Every movement was imbued with the love and care only a father could provide. He measured the formula meticulously.

Sarang watched him with those dark, expressive eyes, her gaze filled with trust and adoration. She attempted to speak, her words coming out in a garbled mix of sounds that only he could understand. "Dada... hungry."

Do Hwan smiled warmly, the love in his eyes undeniable. "I know, Sarang. Appa's making your food, just for you."

As the NG tube was connected to the syringe filled with the specially prepared formula, he couldn't help but marvel at the strength and resilience his daughter displayed every day. She might have her challenges, but she was a fighter in every sense.

With her seated comfortably in a high chair, Do Hwan began the slow process of feeding her through the NG tube. His eyes never left her, his heart filled with an overwhelming sense of love and responsibility. He whispered sweet words of encouragement as he worked, making sure Sarang knew she was safe and cherished.

In the quiet of that Seoul afternoon, as laughter and love filled their home, there was no doubt that their bond was unbreakable, and their love for one another was a force that could conquer any obstacle life threw their way.

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