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With a snarl of defiance, he lunged at his captor, his movements fluid and graceful, fueled by the raw power coursing through his veins

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With a snarl of defiance, he lunged at his captor, his movements fluid and graceful, fueled by the raw power coursing through his veins. Haneul staggered back in shock, but Do Hwan was relentless, his fangs bared and his claws unsheathed as he fought tooth and nail to break free.

In the chaos that ensued, he knocked over tables and equipment, heedless of the destruction in his wake. His only goal was escape, to leave this nightmare behind and return to the one thing that mattered most—his, Sarang.

With a burst of speed, he lunged at Haneul, knocking him to the ground. Chaos erupted as Do Hwan fought tooth and claw against his captors. He knocked over equipment, shattered glass, anything to create obstacles in their path.

Finally, he burst through the doors of the laboratory, his senses assaulted by the sights and sounds of the outside world. The world looked different through his Wolf eyes—colours were more vibrant, scents more potent, sounds more acute.

For a moment, he stood on all four paws, taking in his new reality. His ears twitched as he caught the faint sound of a distant howl. Instinctively, he lifted his head and let out a howl of his own—a primal cry of defiance and freedom.

A sense of freedom washed over him, accompanied by a rush of exhilaration unlike anything he had ever known. For the first time in his life, he felt truly alive.

Then, without hesitation, he took off running, his powerful legs propelling him forward with breathtaking speed. He had to get back to Seoul, back to his Sarang.

With each stride, his longing for her grew stronger. He had never been away from her for long, and the thought of her alone and vulnerable filled him with a fierce determination but he knew in his absence Sang-yi would do what ever he could for her and take care of her.

He ran faster, his heart pounding in his chest. Nothing would stand in his way—. He would do whatever it took to be reunited with his daughter, to protect her and keep her safe.

With each stride, he embraced his newfound strength and agility, revelling in the sensation of the wind rushing through his fur and the earth pounding beneath his paws. It was a sensation like no other, a primal connection to the world around him that transcended human comprehension.


He had to get home to his daughter, Sarang. He could feel her presence calling out to him, urging him to return to her side.

As he approached the city, he was grateful for the cover of darkness, knowing that no one would notice a wolf running through the streets at this late hour. The closer he got to his apartment, the stronger the scent of his daughter and his best friend, Sang-yi, became, guiding him like a beacon through the night.

Finally, he reached his building, his heart pounding in his chest as he bounded up the stairs, his paws echoing on the metal steps. With a final burst of energy, he pushed open the door to his apartment and stumbled inside, his body reverting back to its human form as he collapsed in a heap on the floor.

Sang-yi's eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight of his friend, his clothes torn and bloodied, his body trembling with exhaustion. "Do Hwan, what happened to you?" he asked, his voice trembling with concern.

But Do Hwan could only manage a weak smile as he reached out to him, his heart overflowing with relief at finally being home. "I'll tell you everything," he whispered hoarsely, "but first... I need to see my daughter."

But before he could he had lost consciousness once more.

When he awoke again, the soft light of dawn filtering through the window, Sang-yi was tending to the cuts on his face. Panic gripped Do Hwan as he remembered the events of the previous day, the transformation that had changed him forever.

Sang-yi's voice was gentle as he reassured his friend, "You're home, Do Hwan. You're safe now."

But Do Hwan knew there was more to tell, more than Sang-yi could possibly understand. Taking a deep breath, he recounted his harrowing experience, the serum that had transformed him into something beyond human.

This was his new reality—a world seen through the eyes of a wolf.

Taking a deep breath, Do Hwan met his friend's gaze, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. "I'm not entirely human anymore," he said softly. "I've been turned into a Wolfblood."

Sang-yi's eyes widened in shock as he took in Woo Do Hwan's transformed appearance. "But how...?"

"It's a long story," Do Hwan replied, his voice heavy with regret. "But I need you to understand—I'm still me, just... different."

Sang-yi reached out, placing a hand on Do Hwan's shoulder. "You're still my friend, Do Hwan. No matter what."


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