Speech And Physio Therapy

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The frigid morning sun had just begun to peek over the cityscape as Do Hwan stirred from his slumber

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The frigid morning sun had just begun to peek over the cityscape as Do Hwan stirred from his slumber. The chill in the air seeped through the windows, prompting him to pull the covers tighter around himself. His dark eyes blinked away the last remnants of sleep as he recalled the day ahead.

With a deep breath, Do Hwan slid out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. The hot water cascaded over him, chasing away the remnants of sleep as he prepared himself for the day ahead. 

After his quick shower, he dressed in a warm jumper and jeans. He knew the importance of starting their day with warmth and comfort, especially considering the biting cold outside. With every movement, he moved with a quiet purpose, knowing that the minutes counted when getting Sarang ready for their hospital visits.

He ventured down the hallway, his steps purposeful. He paused outside Sarang's bedroom, his heart swelling with love for his precious daughter. The door creaked open, revealing a room adorned with colorful toys and soft, plush animals. Sarang lay cocooned in her blankets, her peaceful face framed by her ebony hair.

Do Hwan approached her bed, a soft smile on his lips as he gently shook her shoulder. "Sarang-ah, it's time to wake up, sweetheart."

Sarang stirred, her almond-shaped eyes fluttering open. A sleepy smile graced her lips as she recognized her father's face. "A - Appa," she whispered, her voice still carrying the remnants of sleep.

Do Hwan's heart swelled at the sound of that word. "Good morning, Sarang. Are you ready for our big day today?"

Sarang nodded enthusiastically, her hands reaching out to him. Do Hwan scooped her into his arms, cradling her against his chest. She was a small, delicate bundle in his strong arms, a testament to the love and care he poured into her every day.

Together, father and daughter made their way to the kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as Do Hwan prepared a simple breakfast. He made sure Sarang had her feed, preparing it before connecting it to her ng tube. They chatted softly, Do Hwan engaging with her through the limited speech she had. It was a precious moment, one that he treasured above all else.

After breakfast, they went through the familiar routine of dressing Sarang in warm clothing. She wore soft leggings and a bright sweater, and then came the ankle splints. Sarang was used to them by now, understanding that they helped her walk better. Her father's reassuring smile as he fastened them in place made it all worthwhile.

Do Hwan helped her into her tiny shoes, ensuring they fit snugly. As he put on his own coat and shoes, he marveled at the bond they shared. Despite the challenges, he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

With Sarang securely in his arms, they left their cozy apartment and made their way to the car. The city was just beginning to wake up, the streets still relatively quiet. Do Hwan's heart swelled with pride as he drove, knowing that he was on his way to give Sarang the best care and support she deserved.


Soon enough, they arrived at the hospital, the familiar building looming ahead. It was a place filled with both hope and challenges, a place where Sarang received the therapies she needed to thrive.

Their first stop was the speech therapist's office. As they entered, Do Hwan bowed respectfully to the therapist, saying, "Good morning, Seonsaeng-nim."

"Good morning, Do Hwan-ssi," the therapist replied with a warm smile. She had been working with Sarang for a while now and had seen the progress she was making.

Sarang sat in a tiny chair, her eyes filled with curiosity as the therapist began their session. While Sarang could say a few words, her vocabulary was limited. The therapist patiently guided her, encouraging her to use sign language when words failed her.

The room was filled with laughter and determination as they worked together. Do Hwan watched with pride as his daughter made progress, her eyes lighting up when she successfully communicated her thoughts.

Sarang, seated in her father's arms, looked at Ms. Kim with wide eyes, a mix of curiosity and trust.

Ms. Lee knelt down and gently extended her hand towards Sarang. "Hello, Sarang-ssi. Are you ready to have some fun today?"

Sarang hesitated for a moment, her limited verbal skills failing her. Instead, she turned to Do Hwan and used a few signs they had been practicing to communicate her excitement.

"Sarang. Can you say 'apple'?"

Sarang concentrated, her brow furrowing as she tried to form the word. "A... App-uh," she finally managed, her pronunciation imperfect but full of effort.

Do Hwan watched with pride as his daughter persevered. Mrs. Lee was quick to offer praise and encouragement, reinforcing Sarang's efforts.

In addition to speech exercises, Ms. Lee also worked on teaching Sarang sign language to enhance her ability to communicate. Sarang had taken to it remarkably well, using signs for basic needs and wants. Today, they practiced signs for "hungry," "thirsty," and "happy."

When Sarang found it challenging to vocalise a word, Ms. Lee introduced a sign language alternative. She guided Sarang's small hands through the signs, teaching her the way to express herself when words eluded her.

"Can you show me 'Thank you,' Sarang-ah?" Ms. Kim asked, her eyes filled with encouragement.

Sarang, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, made the sign for "Thank you" with her hands. It was a beautiful sight, a testament to the progress she was making with the support of her loving father and dedicated therapist.

By the end of the session Do Hwan knew they had at least an hour an a half until she had her physio appointment and he couldn't wait to see what she could she could achieve next.

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