House Plants

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Two weeks later ~

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Two weeks later ~

Do Hwan glanced at the clock, its ticking a reminder of how swiftly time passed. The morning light streamed through the window, casting a warm glow across the apartment. He moved quietly, not wanting to wake Sarang too early.

He stepped into Sarang's room, where she slept peacefully in her bed. Her soft breathing and the gentle rise and fall of her tiny chest were comforting. "Morning, my little sunshine," he whispered, gently brushing a stray hair from her face.

Today Do Hwan and his close friend, Lee Sang-yi, had planned a visit to a garden centre. Both men had developed a newfound appreciation for houseplants and were excited to pick out new greenery for their apartments.

He carefully lifted Sarang from her bed, and she stirred, her eyes fluttering open. "Good morning, Sarang," he said with a smile. She responded with a sleepy grin, her eyes sparkling with recognition as he took her to the kitchen.

Do Hwan meticulously prepared Sarang for the day. He moved efficiently, yet with a tenderness that spoke of his deep love for his daughter. He mixed her feed and carefully transferred it into the syringe for her NG tube.

"Ready for a big adventure today, Sarang?" he asked, smiling down at her as she sat in her high chair, her eyes bright and curious. She responded with a gurgle and a wide, toothy smile that melted his heart every time.

He inserted the feed through her NG tube, speaking softly to her to keep her calm. "There we go, sweetheart. All set."

Once her feed was ready, he packed it into her little backpack, adorned with colorful patches of cartoon characters she loved. He then helped her into her ankle splints, which helped support her walking, and tied her tiny shoes securely.

Just as he finished, his phone buzzed with a message from Sang-yi. "I'm outside, ready when you are!" it read.

"Perfect timing," Do Hwan murmured, lifting Sarang from her chair. "Let's get you outside, kiddo. Uncle Sang-yi is waiting for us."

He then picked her up, feeling the familiar weight of her small body against his chest. It was a comfort to him, a reminder of the responsibility he cherished. He grabbed his own bag and headed out the door.

Outside, Sang-yi was leaning against his pickup truck, a broad smile spreading across his face as he saw them. "Hey, there's my favorite duo!"

"Morning, Hyung," Do Hwan greeted as he approached, shifting Sarang in his arms. "Thanks for the lift."

"Anytime," Sang-yi replied, reaching out to gently ruffle Sarang's hair. "And how's the little princess today?"

Sarang giggled and reached out to Sang-yi, her eyes twinkling. "She's in a good mood," Do Hwan said, his own smile widening.

He secured Sarang into her car seat, ensuring she was comfortable and safe, and then they were off. The drive to the garden centre was filled with easy conversation and laughter, with Sang-yi and Do Hwan catching up on the latest happenings in their lives.


Upon arriving, Do Hwan carefully lifted Sarang out of her seat, placing her gently down on the ground so she could hold on to her walking frame. "Alright, let's find some new green friends for our homes," he said enthusiastically.

The garden centre was a vibrant expanse of greenery, filled with the scents of fresh soil and blooming flowers. Sarang's eyes widened in wonder at the colourful display, and she reached out eagerly to touch the plants as they passed by.

"Look, Sarang," Do Hwan pointed to a row of bright yellow marigolds. "Aren't they beautiful?"

"Fow-ers," Sarang attempted, her voice soft but filled with excitement.

"That's right, flowers," Do Hwan encouraged, kissing the top of her head. "You're getting better at your words every day."

As they strolled through the garden centre, Sang-yi picked out a few succulents while Do Hwan chose a variety of plants, each selected with Sarang in mind. "These will be perfect for her room," he explained to Sang-yi, holding up a pot of lavender. "She loves the smell."

Sang-yi nodded approvingly. "And they're low maintenance, so they'll thrive even with your busy schedule."

They continued shopping, filling their carts with a range of plants. Do Hwan made sure to let Sarang touch and smell each one, turning the outing into a sensory experience for her.

As they explored further, they found a section with various succulents arranged in intricate patterns. Do Hwan knelt down beside Sarang, showing her the different shapes and textures. She was particularly fascinated by a string of pearls plant, her little fingers tracing the hanging beads.

"How about we take some pictures?" Sang-yi suggested, pulling out his phone.

"Great idea," Do Hwan agreed. He handed his phone to Sang-yi and scooped Sarang up into his arms. "Let's make some funny faces, Sarang."

Sarang giggled as her father puffed out his cheeks and crossed his eyes. She tried to mimic him, her attempts resulting in an adorable mix of expressions. Sang-yi snapped several photos, capturing the joyful moments.

They soon made their way to the checkout, Sarang still happily engaged with her surroundings.

As they left the garden centre, Sang-yi turned to Do Hwan. "These pictures turned out great. You should definitely post them."

Do Hwan smiled, scrolling through the images on his phone. "I will."

Back at his apartment, Do Hwan settled Sarang in her playpen with her new plant positioned where she could see it. He uploaded the photos to Instagram, He captioned them with a heartfelt message: "A beautiful day with my little sunshine. Life's simple moments are the most precious. 🌿❤️ #FatherDaughterLove #DownSyndromeAwareness #Blessed"

Sarang's laughter echoed in the background as he hit 'post', a reminder of the joy and love that filled their lives every day.

Later that night as he lay in bed with her snuggled up next to him Do Hwan glanced at his daughter, her eyes heavy with sleep. He reached over, gently stroking her cheek, and whispered, "I love you, Sarang-ah. Always and forever."

And in that moment, everything felt just right.

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