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The following morning, daylight streamed through the curtains waking Do Hwan from his deep peaceful slumber though that didn't end up being the only thing. Feeling little kicks within his belly instantly making him smile feeling the fluttering sensation once again, now since Sarang first kicked it became somewhat of a constant feeling and he loved it as he rested his hand upon his belly.

"Good morning Sarang, how are you sweetpea.", he spoke in a soft tone while his hand moved around a little as he continued to feel little kicks. It was a feeling he never wanted to let go of, he knew has the weeks moved on and his pregnancy progressed the kicks would become stronger and he would start to feel her move around and he couldn't wait for when that day came.

Moving into a sitting position he rubbed the sleep from his eyes before stretching his aching muscles hearing his joints click and crack as he moved, hopping out of bed Do Hwan began getting ready for the day ahead deciding to take a shower first. For a few minutes, he found himself feeling relaxed and calm with his hand resting on his belly as he began thinking about the day ahead and what it could involve.

Before long he had left the shower and made a start on picking out something to wear, but he soon realised that was going to be a difficult task. Having lots of clothes and many possible combinations he wasn't sure what to pick, now that some were already a tiny bit tight.

Once he had picked something before he could finish getting dressed a beeping sound emitting from his phone alerted him of a message he had received but wasn't surprised that it was his manager asking if he would attend an interview and of course, he didn't have to think twice to know what it would mainly be about.

'Morning Do Hwan. Just to let you know that I hope you are ready for today because you have been asked to attend an interview, it will be some place that is quiet so you don't have to worry about there being too many people around, and this is the address.'


An hour later Do Hwan was on his way to the location where the interview would take place, upon arriving at the building to say that he was nervous was an understatement and with his thoughts running wild as he was already feeling very overwhelmed and unsure but decided to go ahead with it nonetheless.

Leaving the safety of the car he ventured into the building where he was quickly greeted by a member of staff who told him to follow her as she began taking him to the main interview room, as he got ready for the interview to start he began to feel his nerves bubbling up inside as his heart was pounding in his chest like a drum that couldn't be stopped.

Before he knew it the interview had started.

Through out the interview, he was asked several questions and before long the topic had changed to the one thing that it seemed many wanted to know about.

"So as you may know there has been news going around that you are expecting is that true?"

"Yes, it's true.", he replied still feeling a little nervous.

"And how are you feeling since photos and an article of you appeared online?"

"... It's hard because I feel like someone has taken from me the one thing that I wanted to keep private at least until I was ready to share and speak about it and I just feel as if I have been exploited, it left me feeling upset and hope it doesn't happen again."

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do HwanWhere stories live. Discover now