How Time Flies

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The early morning sunlight crept through the curtains, casting a warm golden glow across the room

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The early morning sunlight crept through the curtains, casting a warm golden glow across the room. Woo Do Hwan stirred, gradually awakening from his peaceful slumber. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and turned his gaze to the side, where a heartwarming sight greeted him. Curled up beside him, her tousled dark hair framing her delicate face, was his precious daughter, Sarang. She lay there sound asleep, her rhythmic breaths creating a soothing melody that resonated in the stillness of the room.

The actor couldn't help but smile as he observed his little girl. Sarang, now almost two years old, had become the center of his universe. Her presence brought immense joy, challenges, and an overflowing love that he hadn't known was possible. Sarang had Down's syndrome, a condition that brought unique trials into their lives. Her developmental delays were evident, and she faced hurdles with her speech, coordination, and walking. But through it all, she remained a beacon of resilience and happiness.

A particularly cold morning had enveloped their surroundings, yet the warmth of their shared bond seemed to counteract the chill in the air. Do Hwan's remembered the events of the previous night. Sarang had been plagued by a distressing dream, one that had left her visibly unsettled. He had held her close, whispering soothing words as he stroked her back, offering a comforting presence until the remnants of her bad dream had faded away.

And now, here she was, nestled beside him, the furrowed brow of anxiety replaced by the serene expression of sleep. He marveled at the strength within her, at the way she faced her fears head-on, even at such a young age. Do Hwan leaned in closer, his breath mingling with the gentle rise and fall of Sarang's chest. With the utmost care, he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, a gesture of reassurance and love.

As if in response to his touch, Sarang stirred, her eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks. Gradually, her eyes blinked open, revealing the deep pools of innocence that held his heart captive. A soft smile curved her lips as recognition dawned, and her fingers reached out, seeking his hand. He willingly offered it, their fingers entwining in a silent connection that transcended words.

"Good morning, my little Sarang," Do Hwan whispered, his voice a gentle melody that resonated within the cocoon of their shared space. "Did you sleep well?"

As her gaze met his, a slow, sleepy smile curved her lips. Do Hwan's heart skipped a beat at that radiant expression, a smile that held the promise of an unbreakable bond.

"Appa," she mumbled softly, her voice a melodic whisper. Do Hwan's heart swelled at the sound, a sweet symphony that resonated with the chords of love.

He shifted to better accommodate her, his arm enfolding her in a protective embrace. "Appa's here, Sarang-ah," he assured, his voice a gentle reassurance.


She stretched her arms above her head and yawned, her actions mirroring those of a sleepy kitten.

Sitting up in bed, Do Hwan gently lifted Sarang into his arms. She snuggled into him, her head resting against his chest. With careful steps, he walked to the kitchen, holding his daughter close. Sarang's presence brought an undeniable warmth to his home-a warmth that had only grown since the day she came into his life.

As he stood in the cozy kitchen, Do Hwan looked down at Sarang and asked, "What would you like for breakfast today, my little love?" His words were met with a series of joyful babbling sounds from Sarang. While her speech was still developing, the way she expressed herself brought immeasurable joy to his heart.

Setting Sarang down gently in the living room area, surrounded by her toys, Do Hwan watched her as she explored her small kingdom. He marvelled at her determination, even though her coordination and walking were a bit challenging due to her condition.

With a fond smile, he turned back to the kitchen, his fingers deftly moving as he prepared breakfast. The aroma of fresh coffee filled the air, mingling with the soft giggles that emanated from the living room. Every now and then, he stole glances at Sarang, ensuring she was safe and content.

Once the breakfast was ready, Do Hwan set the table, arranging the plates and cutlery with care. He then walked over to Sarang, crouching down beside her. Her eyes lit up as she spotted him, and she held up a toy to show him.

"Look, a - appa," she said in her sweet, melodic voice. Though her speech was limited, her enthusiasm was boundless.

"Do you want to have some breakfast now, Sarang?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Sarang responded with a joyful nod, her little face lighting up even more. With his heart full of love, Do Hwan scooped her up into his arms, holding her close as they made their way to the dining table.

As they sat down to enjoy their morning meal together, Do Hwan couldn't help but reflect on the journey they had embarked upon. It wasn't always easy, but the bond he shared with his daughter was unbreakable. Their mornings like these were a testament to the warmth, love, and strength that filled their lives-a daily reminder that Sarang was his greatest joy, his precious star in a world that was brighter because of her.

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