Appa's Wolf

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Upon retuning home Do Hwan carefully lifted Sarang from her seat, her tiny body nestled against his chest

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Upon retuning home Do Hwan carefully lifted Sarang from her seat, her tiny body nestled against his chest. She stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering but not fully opening. He carried her inside, the cool air of their home a stark contrast to the warm day they had just enjoyed.

As he set her down on the couch, he knelt to remove her shoes and ankle splints, the latter a necessary aid due to her coordination challenges. Sarang whimpered softly, her fingers gripping his shirt as she fought to stay close. "It's okay, sweetheart," he whispered, kissing her forehead. "Let's get you to bed."

He walked her to her room, a cozy space filled with soft toys and colourful decorations. Gently, he laid her down on her bed, intending to tuck her in and let her rest. But just as he was about to pull away, Sarang's eyes opened slightly, and she reached out, her small hand grasping at the air. 

He scooped her up again, holding her close to his chest. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked, stroking the back of her head, his fingers threading through her silky hair.

Sarang whispered, her eyes pleading. "Appa... n - no go," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "Wolfie."

Do Hwan's heart ached with tenderness. He knew exactly what she meant. Sarang had taken to calling his wolf form "Wolfie" ever since she first saw it. It was a transformation that had occurred only three weeks ago, a result of a traumatic kidnapping and subsequent injection of a mysterious serum. Rather than being frightened by his newfound ability, Sarang had found comfort in it, seeking out his wolf form whenever she needed extra reassurance.

"Alright, my little one," he said softly, a smile tugging at his lips. "Wolfie it is."

With practiced ease, Do Hwan let the transformation take over. His irises turned a brilliant yellow, black veins appeared on his hands and neck, crawling up to his cheeks. In an instant, where he had stood moments ago, now a majestic wolf stood on all four paws. His fur was a deep, dark red, with white paws and underbelly, and his eyes shone with a familiar warmth.

He leaped onto Sarang's bed, careful not to jostle her. She giggled softly, her hands reaching out to stroke his fur. Do Hwan nuzzled her face gently, his nose brushing against her cheek. He then settled down, curling his body around hers, acting as a protective barrier.

She snuggled into his thick fur, her tiny fingers gripping his coat as she sighed in contentment. Do Hwan nuzzled her face gently, his wet nose brushing against her cheek. His tail curled protectively around her, creating a cocoon.

With his heightened senses, Do Hwan could hear her heartbeat slowing, a soothing rhythm that calmed him as well. His tail wrapped around her protectively, cocooning her in warmth and love.

"Appa loves you, Sarang," he whispered in his mind, knowing she couldn't hear him but feeling the connection all the same.

Sarang's breathing became deep and even as she drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and loved in her father's embrace. Do Hwan lay there, a silent guardian, watching over his precious daughter. He marveled at the bond they shared, stronger than any challenge they faced. In this moment, he knew that no matter what the future held, they would always have each other, and that was all the strength he needed.

Hours later, as the apartment grew quiet and the moon cast a gentle glow through the window, Do Hwan remained by her side. His wolf form provided the comfort and security Sarang needed, and he found solace in being there for her in this special way. The world outside could be unpredictable and daunting, but within these walls, father and daughter had created their own sanctuary of love and trust.


He continued to listen to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat, a soothing lullaby that brought him peace. He could hear the soft rustle of the trees outside, the distant chirping of birds, and the gentle rise and fall of Sarang's breathing.

Do Hwan felt a profound sense of purpose and love. Despite the challenges, despite the unexpected turns his life had taken—from discovering his unique ability to conceive and carry Sarang, to becoming a Wolfblood—this moment, right here, made everything worthwhile.

Sarang's gentle snores brought him back to the present. He looked at her, her face serene and content. In her sleep, she held onto a tuft of his fur, her small hand gripping it like a lifeline. Do Hwan knew that he would do anything to protect her, to make sure she felt safe and loved.

Do Hwan stayed alert, his senses on high. He was aware of every sound, every movement outside. He was no longer just a father; he was her guardian, her protector. And as long as she needed him, whether in his human form or as Wolfie, he would be there.

The bond between them was unbreakable, forged through love, trust, and the unique circumstances that had brought them together. And in that quiet, sacred space, father and daughter found peace, wrapped in the comfort of each other's presence.

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