After Surgery

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As the nurse gently placed Sarang in Do Hwan's arms, he held her close, cradling her with utmost tenderness

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As the nurse gently placed Sarang in Do Hwan's arms, he held her close, cradling her with utmost tenderness. The room was filled with warmth and the soft hum of medical equipment, but all that seemed insignificant in the presence of this father-daughter connection.

"Hey, Sarang," Do Hwan whispered, his voice laced with affection. "You've been through so much, my brave little girl."

He gently brushed his fingers against her delicate cheek, caressing her soft skin. Sarang's tiny hand grasped one of his fingers, her touch reminding him of the strength and resilience that resided in her small frame.

As Sarang nestled against his chest, her small heart beating steadily, he felt an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness wash over him.

"Do you know how much you mean to me, Sarang?" Do Hwan whispered softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "You are my precious daughter, and I will always be here for you, no matter what."

He showered her tiny face with gentle kisses, his lips meeting her soft skin. Each kiss was a silent promise, a reassurance that he would always be there, supporting her through every challenge she might face.

"You are so strong, my little Sarang," he continued, his voice filled with admiration.

Sarang gurgled in response, her eyes brightening with a glimmer of recognition. Do Hwan peppered her chubby cheeks with delicate kisses, reviling in the softness of her baby skin. He marvelled at the miracle of her existence, the way she had brought so much light and joy into his life.

"You're my little princess," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "No matter what challenges come your way, I'll always be right here beside you, holding your hand."

Sarang let out a small sneeze, causing Do Hwan to chuckle softly. He wiped her nose gently with a tissue, all the while showering her with affectionate words.

"Bless you, my sweet girl," he murmured, his voice filled with adoration.

Time seemed to stand still in that hospital room as father and daughter bonded, their love forming an unbreakable bond. Do Hwan cherished every moment, knowing that his presence and affection would provide strength and comfort to Sarang as she continued her journey.

"You're my greatest treasure, Sarang," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering love. "And I promise to love and protect you always, no matter what."

As Sarang settled back into his arms, her breathing steady and peaceful, Do Hwan held her close, reviling in the warmth and love that filled the room. In that moment, surrounded by the soft sounds of her coos and the beat of their hearts intertwined, he knew that their love would conquer any obstacle they faced.


As he held his precious daughter, Do Hwan gently traced his finger along the length of the scar on her tiny chest. It was a reminder of the strength and resilience she had shown, even at such a tender age. Sarang cooed and made cute noises, responding to her father's touch and affection.

"Hey, Sarang," Do Hwan whispered, his voice filled with warmth and love. "You're such a brave little girl. You've been through so much, and I couldn't be prouder of you."

Sarang's dark eyes sparkled as she looked up at her father, seemingly understanding his words. She let out a soft giggle, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch Do Hwan's cheek. He smiled, his heart swelling with joy.

Sarang nestled even closer to her father's chest, finding solace in his steady heartbeat. Do Hwan continued to shower her with gentle kisses, peppering her forehead and the top of her head with affectionate gestures.

Do Hwan rocked Sarang back and forth, his soothing voice and gentle touch lulling her closer to sleep. He continued to trace the length of her scar, his finger moving in slow, loving motions.

"Rest now, my little warrior," Do Hwan murmured, his voice filled with tenderness. "You've fought so bravely, and now it's time to heal. Daddy will be right here, holding you and protecting you. We'll face every challenge together, my Sarang. I love you more than words can express."

Sarang's eyelids grew heavy, her breathing becoming steady and calm. Do Hwan watched over her, his heart overflowing with a mixture of awe, gratitude, and unwavering love.

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