Playing Golf

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The sun bathed the room in a soft, golden hue, filtering through the curtains and casting a warm glow over Do Hwan as he stretched and blinked awake

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The sun bathed the room in a soft, golden hue, filtering through the curtains and casting a warm glow over Do Hwan as he stretched and blinked awake. It was a perfect May morning, the kind that promised new beginnings and cherished memories.

He showered and then dressed in his golfing attire: a crisp black polo shirt, tailored trousers, and white shoes.

He then made his way to Sarang's room. Opening the door gently, he was greeted by the sight of her peaceful, sleeping form. As if sensing his presence, Sarang's eyes fluttered open, and a broad smile spread across her face.

"Good morning, princess," Do Hwan whispered, leaning down to nuzzle her cheek. Her response was a fit of giggles, her small hands reaching up to pat his face.

"A - Appa!" she squealed, her voice a sweet melody to his ears.

He chuckled, "Time to get up and start our day."

He gently tickled her stomach, eliciting more giggles as he scooped her up. Carrying her to the kitchen, he balanced her on his hip while preparing her feed to go through her NG tube. It was a delicate process, one that required patience and care, but it was part of their daily routine. Once her feed was ready, he set her in her high chair and secured the line to her tube.

"There we go, sweetheart. Breakfast is served," he said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Are you ready for a fun day?" he asked, kissing her forehead.

Sarang responded with a happy gurgle, her little arms wrapping around his neck.

After breakfast, Do Hwan took Sarang back to her room to get dressed. He chose a button-up shirt and a dungaree dress, a cute outfit that allowed her the freedom to move comfortably and gently put on her little socks.

"You're looking stylish today, Sarang-ah," he said, admiring his handiwork.

They moved to the front door, where Do Hwan slipped on her tiny shoes and secured them snugly. With everything packed, they headed out to the car. The drive to the golf course was filled with Sarang's babbling and Do Hwan's melodic responses, their special language forming a bridge between their hearts.

As they arrived at the golf course, Do Hwan helped Sarang out of the car, carefully setting her on her feet. He retrieved her walking frame and his golf clubs, ensuring everything was in place for their day out. Holding Sarang's hand, they made their way to the first hole.

"Alright, Sarang, let's see what you've got!" he said, setting up the ball on the tee.

Sarang, in her own mischievous way, decided the ball was more fun to chase than to hit. With a giggle, she tottered after it, her walking frame clattering along the grass.

"Hey! Woo Sarang, come back here with that ball!" Do Hwan laughed, jogging after her.

Sarang turned back, her face alight with joy. For a moment, Do Hwan was struck by the pure, unfiltered happiness that his daughter brought into his life. Despite the challenges and the struggles, moments like these made everything worthwhile.

"You little rascal," he said affectionately, scooping her up and twirling her around.

They spent the next few hours playing their unique version of golf. Sarang, with her determination and spirit, tried her best to mimic her Appa's swings, though she often ended up chasing the ball instead. Do Hwan found himself laughing more than he had in weeks, his heart light and full.

"Sarang-ah, you're the best caddy a dad could ask for," he said, kissing her forehead as they moved to the next hole.

Sarang responded with a babble of words, her speech delayed but her intent clear. She was happy, and so was he.

Do Hwan set up his shot at the next hole, glancing at Sarang who was watching him intently from her spot. He took a swing, sending the ball sailing down the fairway. As soon as the ball landed, Sarang let out a squeal of delight and, in a burst of mischievous energy, began to toddle after it once again.

They continued their game, with Sarang providing constant entertainment. She tried to mimic his swings, her tiny hands gripping the junior-sized golf club he had gotten her. Her swings were more of a playful tap, but her concentration was endearing.

"Good job, Sarang! You're a natural," he praised her, clapping along with her attempts.

The morning passed in a blur of laughter and play. Sarang's developmental delays and struggles with speech and coordination seemed distant on such a perfect day. She was happy, and that was all that mattered to Do Hwan.

As they reached the final hole, Do Hwan couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Being a single father to Sarang was not easy, especially with the challenges they faced. But moments like these, where her happiness shone brighter than the sun, made every struggle worth it.

Sitting down on a bench near the clubhouse, he cradled Sarang in his lap. She leaned against him, tired but still smiling.

"Did you have fun today, Sarang?" he asked softly.

She responded with a tired nod, her eyes drooping.

"Let's get you home for a nap," he said, kissing the top of her head.

As they made their way back to the car, Do Hwan felt a deep sense of gratitude. He had been blessed with the rare ability to conceive and carry Sarang, and every day with her was a gift. She was his sunshine, his joy, and the reason he faced each day with hope and love.

Driving back, with Sarang dozing peacefully in her car seat, Do Hwan couldn't help but smile. Life was full of unexpected turns, but with Sarang by his side, he knew he could face anything. The future was bright, and the bond they shared was unbreakable.

The day had been perfect in its own imperfect way, a reminder of the simple joys of life and the profound love between a father and his daughter.

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