Upset Tummy

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With two hours passed since Do Hwan had given his daughter her feed through her feeding tube and it was quickly looking like it hadn't gone down well, he remembers being told the day she was given the feeding tube that she may have trouble getting used to the feeding tube and would sometimes struggle with it, in terms of swallowing.

It seemed like that very thing had happened and although this time she had managed to swallow almost all of the feed, the special type of milk, it was clear that this time around it hadn't settled well with her stomach, and was making her agitated as she was also struggling to fall asleep leaving her cranky making her cry and hearing Sarang cry broke Do Hwan's heart.

Carefully and gently moving Sarang he adjusted her so he could hold her against his chest to see if it would help while rubbing and patting her back.

As she continued to cry, he continued to rub her back in small circles in the hope it would help soothe her but it was clear that the was still unsettled.

"It's okay darling it's alright. You've got an upset tummy haven't you huh? It's okay bunny."

For a few minutes, nothing had changed until she started to pant which in turn caused her to be sick a little down her appa's chest bringing back up the milk she had and it had only spooked her resulting in more distress.

"Oh, sweetheart it's okay... it's okay shh, shh". he told her in a soft and gentle tone before placing a kiss atop her head.

He hoped at least now she was feeling better and wouldn't have stomach ache for much longer and before he knew it her wails soon calmed and softened before she fell into a deep slumber clearly exhausted after such an ordeal having a stomach upset and being sick and not being able to sleep for a while, but at least now she could.

With her settled against his chest, he made his way back upstairs so he could change his shirt and put a clean one on, making it to his room he carefully set her down on the bed he turned to get out a clean shirt from his wardrobe, taking off the dirty shirt and putting on the clean one he turned towards his bed to lay down beside Sarang.

Gently placing his hand on her tummy, his thumb moved back and forth in a soothing motion as she made soft cooing noises as she slept making small movements with her hands and Do Hwan couldn't help but smile finding his daughter incredibly cute as he moved a little closer to her to press a kiss to the side of her forehead.


A short time later Do Hwan woke to the sound of rain and realised he had fallen asleep, looking towards the window rain fell fast with large raindrops hitting and bouncing off of the window.

He thought that a possible thunderstorm was on it's way but little did he realize what was to come and what would happen as a result of the rain.

Hearing movement from beside him he turned his attention to Sarang to see her moving and starting to wake up. Taking a hold of her little hand he immediately smiled as she had a tight grip on his index finger not wanting to let go anytime soon while her eyes began to open.

"Hi, precious girl. Hi did you have a nice nap?", though she couldn't answer back he always loved talking to her.

Moving close to her once again he began gently smothering her cheek with kisses making her coo and move her arms and legs which in turn only made Do Hwan giggle at his baby girl.

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