Tired Out

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After a couple of hours of splashing, laughing, and floating, Do Hwan noticed Sarang becoming a bit restless

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After a couple of hours of splashing, laughing, and floating, Do Hwan noticed Sarang becoming a bit restless. He decided it was time to call it a day and head towards the showers. As they left the pool, Sarang, still full of energy, attempted to walk on her own, her unsteady steps causing Do Hwan a moment of concern.

"Slow down, Sarang. Appa doesn't want you to slip," he said, gently scooping her up into his arms.

She pouted, clearly not pleased with the abrupt halt to her newfound freedom. "Walk, walk!" she insisted.

He found a disabled shower and locked the door behind them. Inside, he unfolded a fold-down seat and carefully placed Sarang on it. She looked up at him, her trust unwavering.

"Alright, sweetheart, let's get you all cleaned up," he said, grabbing a showerhead and adjusting the water temperature.

Sarang giggled as the warm water cascaded over her, her fingers playing with the droplets. Do Hwan tenderly washed her hair, his movements slow and deliberate. The bond between father and daughter was evident in the quiet moments, the shared smiles, and the unspoken love that flowed between them.

Once Sarang was clean, Do Hwan took his turn in the shower, making sure to keep an eye on his daughter until he finished quickly dressed and they were ready to head home.


Back at the car as he loaded Sarang's walking frame and other essentials into the car, Do Hwan couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the unexpected gift that was his daughter.

Driving back home, Sarang dozed off in her car seat, her cheeks still rosy from the excitement of the day. Do Hwan glanced at her sleeping form and felt an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.

The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence, occasionally interrupted by the soft hum of his daughter's gentle breathing and cute noises that she made. Do Hwan stole glances at Sarang in the rearview mirror, his heart swelling with love for the little girl who had brought so much joy into his life.

As he drove through the city, Do Hwan couldn't help but marvel at the progress Sarang had made since she had come into the world. Being a single father had its challenges, especially when coupled with the responsibilities of his acting career, but Sarang had become his anchor, his source of inspiration and strength.

Reaching home and parking the car, Do Hwan couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the ordinary moments that became extraordinary with Sarang by his side. The day at the pool had not only strengthened their bond but had created memories that would last a lifetime.

Do Hwan carefully unbuckled Sarang from her car seat, cradling her in his arms. He couldn't help but marvel at how peacefully she slept, her tiny chest rising and falling in sync with each gentle breath.

Reaching the door, Do Hwan carefully balanced Sarang in one arm as he input the number passcode to unlock it. The door emitted a short chiming sound. As he opened the door, a slightly different sound resonated through the air as it locked behind them.

Sarang stirred awake at the sound. She made a soft whining sound, prompting Do Hwan to shush her gently. He carried her closer to his chest, her head nestled against his shoulder, and walked into the cozy apartment.

"Shhh darling it's alright go back to sleep," Do Hwan whispered, his voice a soothing melody. He stroked Sarang's hair gently, hoping to ease her back into a peaceful slumber. The journey from the door to Sarang's room was made with careful steps, avoiding any creaky floorboards that might disturb her nap.

He gently rocked her in his arms, a soothing motion that had become second nature to him. Sarang's whining gradually subsided as she nestled against her father's chest, finding comfort in his familiar warmth.

The door closed behind them with a slightly different sound, signaling that it had securely locked. Do Hwan navigated through the living room, making his way to Sarang's room. The soft hues of the walls and the comforting atmosphere of her room were designed to soothe and nurture her.

The soft light filtering through the curtains created a serene atmosphere. As he lowered Sarang onto her bed, she clutched onto her favorite stuffed animal, a loyal companion through both waking and sleeping moments since her birth.

"Sleep tight, Sarang," he whispered, brushing a damp strand of hair from her face. He planted a tender kiss on her forehead, his heart swelling with love for the precious being he was fortunate enough to call his daughter.

As Sarang drifted into a peaceful slumber, Do Hwan remained by her side, watching over her with unwavering devotion. He gently rubbed her back, a gesture to comfort her even in her sleep. The room was filled with a quiet tranquility, a testament to the unspoken connection between a single father and his extraordinary daughter.

In those tender moments, Do Hwan reflected on the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated together. Sarang's journey might have been different, but their love and resilience knew no bounds. As he sat there, a single father embracing the role with grace, he knew that every day was an opportunity for new discoveries, new joys, and an abundance of love shared between a father and his precious daughter.

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