At The Campsite

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Finally, they arrived at the campsite—a picturesque spot surrounded by lush trees and overlooking the serene ocean

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Finally, they arrived at the campsite—a picturesque spot surrounded by lush trees and overlooking the serene ocean. With a contented sigh, Do Hwan parked the car and turned to Sarang, who was gazing at the landscape with wide eyes. He opened the car door and gently lifted her out, placing her pink walking frame beside her.

"Alright, Sarang," Do Hwan said with a warm smile, his voice gentle and encouraging. "You ready to explore?"

Sarang beamed at him, her fingers curling around the edges of her walking frame. Her steps were a little unsteady, but she was determined, and that determination made her father's heart swell with pride.

As Sarang took cautious steps on the soft grass, Do Hwan began unpacking the car. The tent, sleeping bags, and other camping gear were carefully arranged, but his eyes remained fixed on his daughter. He marveled at her resilience and her ability to find joy in the simplest of things.

"Sarang, sweetheart," he called. "Stay close, okay? You can explore, but don't go too far."

Sarang looked back at him, her eyes full of trust. She nodded and continued to navigate the grassy terrain, her walking frame supporting her as she moved.

With the campsite set up and the tent standing proudly, Do Hwan turned his attention back to Sarang. She had ventured a bit farther, a mixture of excitement and determination on her face. He watched as she bent down to touch a wildflower, her fingers brushing against the delicate petals.

"Sarang," he called again, this time a little softer. She turned, her smile as radiant as the sun. "Good job, princess. But remember, stay close."

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow across the landscape, Do Hwan felt a sense of peace settle over him. He knew that their journey was just beginning—the journey of embracing every moment, no matter how small, and cherishing the bond between a father and his daughter.

With a mischievous grin, Do Hwan raised his hands in a mock-chase gesture, pretending to stalk after Sarang. Her laughter erupted into peals of joy as she maneuvered her walking frame with determination, her tiny legs carrying her forward. The campsite transformed into a playground, the worries of the world momentarily forgotten.

Finally catching up to her, Do Hwan scooped Sarang into his arms, her giggles turning into delighted squeals. He lifted her high into the air, her laughter mingling with the wind that swept through the campsite. Her joy was infectious, and Do Hwan couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"Gotcha!" he exclaimed, holding her securely in his arms. Sarang's eyes shimmered with laughter as she wrapped her legs around his middle.

Do Hwan grinned, his eyes locked onto his daughter's radiant face. He brought her close to his side, his arms securing her in a warm embrace. Sarang leaned her head against his chest, her fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt.

The sun bathed them in a warm, golden glow as they stood there, father and daughter, connected by a bond that went beyond words. In that moment, all the challenges and uncertainties melted away, leaving only the pure essence of their love and the promise of a bright future.


As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the landscape, Do Hwan sat beside Sarang by the crackling campfire. The flames danced in tandem with the sparks of wonder in Sarang's eyes. He wrapped his arm around her, feeling a connection that transcended words. The flickering firelight painted a portrait of their unbreakable bond.

"Do you like it here, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked softly, his gaze fixed on the stars that emerged in the twilight sky. Sarang turned to him, her eyes shining like constellations, and nodded with an enthusiastic grin.

"Hmm-hmm Appa," Sarang's voice was a soft melody, the sweetness of her words melting Do Hwan's heart. It might have taken time for her to find her voice, but each word was a treasure, a testament to her strength and determination.

The gentle rustling of leaves in the wind provided a calming backdrop to the crackling fire that danced in the fire pit. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky transformed into a canvas of stars, each one twinkling with promises of new beginnings.

Seated comfortably on a blanket by the fire, Do Hwan held Sarang on his lap. He had wrapped her in a soft fleece blanket to ward off the evening chill. Sarang leaned her head against her father's chest, her eyes locked onto the heavens above.

"Look, Sarang," Do Hwan whispered, his voice a tender caress. "A shooting star."

Sarang's eyes widened even further, her gaze following the path of the streaking light across the sky. Her lips curved into a radiant smile, a reflection of the joy that blossomed within her. She let out a soft, delighted giggle, her fingers pointing toward the disappearing star.

As the star's ephemeral trail vanished into the night, Do Hwan felt a swell of emotions within him. He had dreamed of this moment – the two of them sharing a piece of the universe's magic. Despite the challenges that Sarang faced, her spirit and resilience were a source of inspiration for him.

"Do you know what people do when they see a shooting star?" Do Hwan asked, his voice a hushed conspiratorial tone.

Sarang turned her gaze toward him, her eyes curious, urging him to continue.

"They make a wish," he revealed, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Sarang's brows furrowed for a moment, her lips moving as if she were processing the idea. Then, with a burst of enthusiasm, she clapped her hands together, her eyes shining with anticipation.

"Make a wish, Sarang," Do Hwan encouraged.

Sarang's smile was infectious as she closed her eyes, her small face scrunched up in concentration. Her lips moved soundlessly, forming a wish that only she could understand. In that moment, Do Hwan made his own silent wish – for Sarang's happiness, her growth, and for the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the night deepened, they remained by the fire, wrapped in each other's company. The crackling flames cast flickering shadows on their faces, a dance that mirrored the journey they had undertaken together.

"I love you, Sarang," Do Hwan murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

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