First Night Home

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Setting the bag down and walking towards the living room with Sarang still in his arms Do Hwan took the few steps toward the sofa. Getting comfortable he put a pillow behind his back he slightly adjusted his hold on Sarang as she opened her beautiful doe eyes and her eyes found his, a smile appeared on his face not yet to leave as she moved her tiny hand to take hold of his index finger.

As she held onto his finger, Do Hwan moved his thumb over the back of her tiny hand before leaning down to press a kiss to her hand and then to her head.

"My beautiful girl I'm happy you're here, I'm blessed to have you Woo Sarang, my pretty pretty girl. Yeah you're a pretty girl yes you are.", he spoke softly and with a look of pure and deep love in his eyes. Since becoming a father and seeing Sarang he had discovered a feeling that he never wanted to let go of, a feeling that was indescribable one that was love that was unlike anything he had ever felt before and even now he could feel warmth throughout his entire body and heart.

He knew that going forward the future would be uncertain but even now he was ready for whatever may come. He knew that for Sarang things would take a little longer than the average child in terms of development, speech including mobility due to having low muscle tone but he didn't worry knowing that in her own time she would achieve all of those milestones and he would be there to witness all of them.

Watching her eyes fluttering he saw how once again, she was trying to stay awake fighting sleep.

"Don't fight it sweet pea, go to sleep.", he spoke in a soft tone pressing a kiss to her head. Watching her for a moment he could see she was trying to fall asleep but was struggling to fall asleep as her eyes continued to open and close.

Standing up from the sofa, Do Hwan began slowly walking around the room gently rocking her gently in his arms in the hope it would help her to settle and help her fall asleep. Before long, Sarang had fallen into a deep slumber he continued to gently rock her he couldn't help but smile as he looked down at her in his arms, Sarang was such a tiny newborn and found it extremely cute that the bunny onesie she had on was a little bit big on her and although she was a little smaller than the average newborn baby Do Hwan didn't worry too much he knew she would soon grow into her clothes and gain more weight.

For a few moments, he was lost in his thoughts until he was broken from them when he began hearing a strange sound and didn't have to look far to see where the noise was coming from. Looking down at his daughter once again it seemed that she was having a dream as she was making a humming noise that was drawn out pausing every few seconds.

"That's a funny noise darling what are you dreaming about hmm?", he spoke his voice but a whisper as a gentle smile quickly reappeared on his face.

Seeing her face, she looked so calm and relaxed and it was clear whatever she was dreaming about was something worth an attempted smile as the corners of her mouth were turned up a little as if she was trying to smile, it was so cute.

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