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As things advanced and the contractions started to become more powerful and painful he called his midwife to update and tell her about the situation he was soon advised to make his way into hospital. With it being some few hours since he went into labor he was already feeling very tired but Do Hwan knew that the hard part was yet to come and he knew it would be wrong if he said he wasn't even just a little bit scared but he knew that he wasn't alone.

Gathering his bag for the hospital and putting on his coat and shoes he made it his car and setting off hoping that there wouldn't be any traffic. On the way to the hospital his he shifted uncomfortably in his seat but luckily he wasn't to far away from the hospital, upon arrival as he made it to resception it was clear he was in labor and was greeted by his midwife.

In a private delivery room he changed into a hospital gown and got settled into bed.

"Do Hwan, I'm just going to check and see how far you are dilated alright? This might be a little uncomfortable so I'm sorry in advance."

As the midwife checked he couldn't help but have a slight grimace on his face as he took in a sharp breath.

"It's alright I'm done now. As I can tell you're at five so we've still got a little while to wait before this little miss comes, so for now try and get some sleep get some rest and if you need me press that red button above you okay?"

Giving his midwife a nod of understanding he watched as she left and the room fell into silence as his eyes wondered and landed on his bump, with a gentle smile on his face his hand rested upon it.

"You'll out in the world soon Sarang I can't wait to see you, I love you sweetpea."


For a while Do Hwan was doing well, but little did he know how quickly the other five centimetres had gone.

Waking up with a very strong and unbearable contraction he pressed the red button above as within seconds his midwife came and checked him once more.

"Alright Do Hwan, you are now at ten and can start pushing, Now when you feel it when the next contraction comes I you to push down into your bottom for me and try and push for at least ten seconds each time until we need to stop okay?"


For a moment there was a pause of silence until he felt a deep pain through his thighs and back and upon instinct began to push as the contraction ripped through his body making him cry out.

Trying to catch his breath he began to feel a buildup of pressure as he whimpered in pain as he tried to change position feeling too much pain in his back finding it uncomfortable to lay on his back.

With help from the midwife, he managed to onto his hands and knees in a crouched position but just as he was settled another wave of pain hit surprising him as a sharp short scream left his mouth.

"Owwww! Ohhhh, that hurts", he voiced his breathing quick and heavy.

"It's alright, it'll be hard and it does hurt but your body knows what to do.", replied the midwife.

"Oh, no make it stop... Oww."

"Easy Do Hwan slow it down, slow down your breathing. It won't be long now it's almost over."

With each contraction, he continued to push as he gripped the bedsheets to the point his knuckles had gone white...

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do HwanWhere stories live. Discover now