Sarang's Second Birthday

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The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. Do Hwan slowly stirred from his slumber, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips. As he stretched and yawned, his gaze landed on the date displayed on his phone - October 5th, 2022. His heart skipped a beat as he remembered the significance of the day. It was his daughter's second birthday.

With newfound energy, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and rose to his feet. The excitement in his heart was palpable, coursing through his veins as he eagerly prepared for the day ahead. Today was all about Sarang, his precious daughter who had brought so much joy into his life.

Heading down the hallway, he reached the door to Sarang's room. He turned the knob gently and peeked inside, greeted by the sight of his little angel sleeping peacefully. Her raven hair was tousled, and the corners of her mouth curved upwards in a faint smile. Leaning in, he whispered softly, "Sarang-ah, wake up, it's your special day."

Sarang stirred, blinking her eyes open and meeting her father's gaze with a mixture of curiosity and delight. A wide grin spread across Do Hwan's face as he leaned down to scoop her up into his arms. "Happy birthday sweetheart," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

Sarang's eyes lit up, her small hands reaching out to touch her father's cheeks as she babbled in her own unique way. Her speech was a bit delayed, but her expressions spoke volumes.

After a quick change and getting her dressed in a cute little outfit, Do Hwan lifted her into his arms once more. She clung to him, her tiny arms wrapped around his neck, creating a bond that was unbreakable. With Sarang nestled against his shoulder, he made his way to the living room, where an array of wrapped gifts awaited her.

Sitting amidst a sea of colorful gift wrap, the father and daughter duo embarked on the journey of unwrapping presents. Do Hwan watched Sarang's every movement, her coordination challenges evident as she struggled to tear open the wrapping paper. With gentle guidance, he assisted her, allowing her to experience the joy of discovery.

"Oh, look, Sarang! What's inside this one?" Do Hwan's excitement mirrored Sarang's as they unveiled the treasures within. With every new gift, he marveled at his daughter's curiosity and determination. He celebrated each small victory, rejoicing not only in the tangible presents but also in the progress she had made on her developmental journey.

"Look, Sarang," he said, holding up a stuffed bear with a wide grin. "This is for you."

Sarang's face lit up as she reached out, her movements a bit unsteady but filled with determination. She took the bunny teddy bear into her arms, hugging it close, her smile radiant. Do Hwan's heart swelled with pride, his eyes misting over with emotion.

Sarang clapped her hands together, her face lighting up with an infectious happiness that was impossible to resist. Do Hwan helped her open the first gift, and her eyes widened in wonder as she discovered a colorful set of building blocks. With his patient guidance, she attempted to stack them, her coordination a work in progress.

As they moved through the presents, each one brought its own unique delight. From a stuffed bunny that became an instant companion to a book filled with vibrant pictures that she gazed at intently, Sarang's expressions painted a tapestry of emotions.

He guided her hands to explore the gifts, helping her feel the textures and shapes of each one. A colorful puzzle, a set of crayons, and a picture book were among the surprises that awaited her. With every present she opened, Do Hwan explained its purpose to her, encouraging her to engage with the world around her.

"See, Sarang, this puzzle has different shapes. We can put them together and create something," he said, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. Sarang's eyes sparkled as she took in his words, her fingers tracing the edges of the puzzle pieces with curiosity.

Gently, he helped her unwrap her presents, one by one. As the wrapping paper fell away, Sarang's eyes lit up with joy at the sight of each new treasure. "Look, Sarang-ah," he'd say, showing her the contents of each gift. The room echoed with her delighted laughter and his heart swelled with pride at her every expression of happiness.

Throughout the morning, Do Hwan engaged in playful activities with Sarang. They played with building blocks, creating towers that reached for the sky, and they colored together, her tiny hands gripping the crayons with determination. Laughter filled the air as they shared these precious moments.

As the hours passed, the doorbell chimed, announcing the arrival of their friends. Among them was Lee Sang-yi, Do Hwan's close friend, who held a brightly wrapped present in his hands. The room buzzed with excitement as more friends entered, bearing gifts for Sarang. Each gift was accompanied by warm wishes and heartfelt smiles.


When came time to do the cake the candles flickered as he carefully lit them, their glow dancing in his eyes as he carried the cake back to the living room. Sarang's eyes widened at the sight of the cake, her fingers reaching out to touch the frosting.

As if on cue, the room erupted into a harmonious melody. The traditional birthday song resonated through the room, the Korean lyrics sung with heartfelt sincerity.

Sarang clapped her hands, her laughter ringing out in perfect harmony with the chorus of well-wishers. With a final note, Do Hwan leaned forward, his breath catching as he made a silent wish for his daughter. As he helped her blow out the candles, a sense of gratitude filled his heart.

The day continued in a symphony of love and celebration. Sarang's laughter echoed in every corner of their home, a testament to the joy that radiated from her very being. And as the sun set, casting a warm golden glow over their memories, Do Hwan held his daughter close, knowing that this day would forever be etched in their hearts.

In the quiet moments that followed, as Sarang's breathing grew steady in sleep, Do Hwan whispered softly, "Happy birthday, Sarang. You are the light of my life, and appa endlessly grateful for you."

And in the gentle embrace of that sentiment, father and daughter drifted into a peaceful slumber, their hearts entwined in a love that knew no boundaries.

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