Something's Wrong

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Do Hwan had always known his life would be unconventional

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Do Hwan had always known his life would be unconventional. But nothing had prepared him for the whirlwind of fatherhood, especially with a daughter like Sarang. Two years old, with Down's syndrome, Sarang was his heart and soul. Her developmental delays meant she struggled with speech, coordination, and walking. Despite these challenges, she was his beacon of hope and joy.

Sarang had come into his life unexpectedly. After completing his mandatory military service, Do Hwan had discovered he had the rare ability to conceive and carry a child. It was a shock, but also a miracle. The birth of Sarang had changed him in ways he never thought possible. She needed more attention and care than other children, but her smiles and giggles made every moment worthwhile.

A few days after playing golf, Do Hwan noticed something different about Sarang. She seemed more tired than usual. Her usual vibrant energy was replaced by lethargy, and her giggles were less frequent. He brushed it off as a temporary phase, hoping it was nothing serious.

That evening, he prepared Sarang's final feed of the day. Her NG tube had become a part of their nightly routine. Gently, he connected the tube and ensured she was comfortable. Sarang's eyelids drooped as he read her favourite story, a whimsical tale of a bunny and a moonlit adventure. As he finished the last page, she was already half asleep.

"Goodnight, my little star," he whispered, tucking her in and planting a soft kiss on her forehead. He lingered for a moment, watching her peaceful face, before quietly leaving the room.

After ensuring Sarang was comfortably settled, Do Hwan went about his nightly routine, taking a shower and brushing his teeth. Finally, he slipped into his bed, his mind still preoccupied with worries about Sarang. It took a while, but eventually, exhaustion claimed him, and he fell into a restless sleep.

In the dead of night, Do Hwan's heightened senses, a result of his Wolfblood transformation, jarred him awake.

Tonight, it was his hearing that alerted him—a strange, noisy breathing and a rapid heart rate.

His eyes snapped open, and a surge of adrenaline shot through him. "Sarang!" he gasped, leaping out of bed. He raced to her room, his heart pounding in his chest.

Sarang lay in her bed, her face pale and her breathing labored. "Sarang, wake up! Please, wake up!" Do Hwan cried, shaking her gently but with increasing panic as she remained unresponsive. He fumbled for his phone and dialed the emergency number, his voice trembling. "I need an ambulance! It's my daughter—she's not waking up, and she's having trouble breathing!"

The wait for the ambulance felt like an eternity. Do Hwan kept talking to Sarang, his voice a mixture of fear and desperate encouragement. "Stay with me, Sarang. Please, stay with me. You're going to be okay."

The paramedics arrived swiftly, taking charge with professional efficiency. They assessed Sarang's condition and began immediate treatment as they transported her to the hospital. Do Hwan stayed close, his heart in his throat.

At the hospital, Sarang was whisked away for tests and treatment. Do Hwan paced the waiting room, his mind a whirlwind of fear and worry. Each minute felt like an hour as he replayed the events over and over in his head, hoping and praying for good news.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a familiar face approached him. Dr. Kim Min-seo, the doctor who had looked after him throughout his pregnancy, delivered Sarang, and had been there when Sarang had surgery to close a hole in her heart at four months old, stood before him. Her presence was a welcome sight, a glimmer of hope in the midst of his despair.

"Dr. Kim," Do Hwan breathed, relief flooding through him. "How is she? Is she going to be okay?"

Dr. Kim placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're doing everything we can, Do Hwan. Sarang is a fighter, and she's in good hands. We've discovered a new issue with her heart—something called Patent Ductus Arteriosus. It's not uncommon in children with Down's syndrome, but it will require careful management and possibly another surgery."

Do Hwan's heart sank. "Another surgery?" he echoed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. Kim nodded. "Yes, but we're going to do everything we can to ensure she comes through this. Right now, she's stable, and we're closely monitoring her condition."

Tears welled up in Do Hwan's eyes as he absorbed the information. "W - what is it exactly"

"Ductus Arteriosus, is where a blood vessel, fails to close after birth. Though in Sarang's rare case it has happened later in her life. This can cause heart failure and other complications."

His mind was casted back to the last two years. Despite his initial fears and uncertainties, Do Hwan found himself falling deeply in love with his daughter. Sarang's infectious laughter, her innocent curiosity, and her unconditional affection melted his heart every single day. He cherished their moments together, whether it was playing in the park, reading her favourite stories, or simply cuddling on the couch.

Do Hwan's heart sank at the news, his stomach churning with dread. He followed Dr. Kim to Sarang's room, his eyes fixed on his precious daughter lying pale and fragile on the hospital bed. He leaned down to kiss her forehead, his voice choked with emotion as he whispered softly to her.

"You scared me, Sarang-ah," he murmured, his eyes brimming with tears. "But I promise, Appa will be right here with you every step of the way. You're not alone, my little love."

Do Hwan sat by her bedside, his heart heavy with worry. He gently stroked her head, his touch a soothing balm against the chaos of his thoughts. Doctor Kim soon returned, her calm presence a source of comfort in the midst of his turmoil.

"Do you want to hold her?" Doctor Kim asked softly, her voice filled with empathy.

Do Hwan nodded, his eyes brimming with tears as he reached out to cradle Sarang in his arms. He held her close, pressing a kiss atop her head as he whispered words of love and reassurance. In that moment, as he held his precious daughter in his arms, Do Hwan vowed to do whatever it took to protect her, to be her rock in the stormy sea of life. For Sarang was not just his daughter; she was his heart, his soul, his everything.

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