In The Hospital

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For Do Hwan the minutes that ticked by quickly turned into hours, every second he hoped Sarang was alright and that soon a doctor or nurse would turn up with some news on her

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For Do Hwan the minutes that ticked by quickly turned into hours, every second he hoped Sarang was alright and that soon a doctor or nurse would turn up with some news on her.

Thankfully after almost an hour and a half of waiting, he spotted a doctor walking towards him.

"Sir, if you would please follow me you'll be able to see your Daughter now."

Panic and fear spread through his veins but he tried his best to remain calm through the whole situation, "Is she alright?"

"We're hoping she will be, though I'm not going to lie to you. You're lucky you brought her in when you did, from the examination we carried out it is very clear she is unwell and running an almost dangerously high fever and from what we can see she had a seizure when she arrived and has had another one since then, and we're still trying to determine the cause. We have done what we can by giving her an IV, fluids and antibiotics to help fight the fever and infection but for now, she will stay here for at least a few weeks so she can be monitored."

Do Hwan couldn't quite believe what he was hearing and felt crushed and devastated, his heart couldn't take any more break than it already had. Taking a deep breath he followed the doctor to Sarang's room, and though he was upset he wanted to be strong for Sarang.

Upon entering the room he saw Sarang curled up in the hospital bed wearing a tiny hospital gown attached to a couple of machines to help her while she was trying to fight off the fever and infection.

Walking to her bedside he gave a sad sigh as he sat in the chair beside her with his eyes glassy before a stray tear fell down his face. Gently taking her little hand in his he began to rub the back of it with his thumb before guiding it towards him and placing a kiss upon it.

"It's alright, Sarang I'm here, I'm here darling.", he said softly watching over her as she slept soundly.


Over the next few days staying by her side was all Do Hwan wanted to do. Night and day he never wanted to leave Sarang's side, only returning home for food, a change of clothes and a shower.

Upon returning to the hospital Do Hwan wasted no time in getting back to the room where his little girl currently resided, having now been in the hospital for a week Sarang was already starting to show strong signs of Improvement.

With Sarang's room now in sight, he made the last few steps Into strides as he reached for the handle to open the door but just as he was about to open the door to enter the room the door already began to open surprising him as he was quickly faced with the doctor and nurse who were caring for Sarang.

Fear struck him, was there something wrong with his daughter was she alright? His heart began to pound inside his chest as he prepared himself for the worst.

"Doctor is everything okay? Is Sarang alright? he asked worry evident on his face.

"It's alright Mr Woo. We are just checking up on her and she seems to be doing well at the moment, however, we're still wary of the infection she has at the moment but the fever has gone down. It will be a long recovery given she is only two weeks old I myself will oversee the care of Sarang, she may wake up soon now please do excuse me I shall give you some time alone with your daughter and I will be back later to check on her again."

Entering the room, Do Hwan was once again met with the sight of his baby girl in the hospital bed covered in tubes, the tubes were her only source of oxygen helping her breathe while she was fighting the infection, grabbing a chair from the corner of the room he took a seat at her bedside before gently taking her hand in his. For a few moments, he sat quietly gazing lovingly at his daughter.

Before long Sarang started to come around a little as her eyes began to open, she was quickly aware of her surroundings and realised that for the moment she couldn't move and soon started to become agitated and unsettled. With quick thinking, Do Hwan reached out with his hand and began gently stroking her head with his thumb hoping to soothe her.

"Hey, sweet pea shh It's okay, It's okay I'm here It's alright", he said softly as she looked at him calming down a little.

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