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As he held her against his chest he never wanted to let her go, though it had only been a week since he had been able to hold Sarang it felt like a lifetime

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As he held her against his chest he never wanted to let her go, though it had only been a week since he had been able to hold Sarang it felt like a lifetime. With one hand on her back, he continued to soothe and comfort her while gently patting a rhythm on her bum, which he found helps babies to comfort them and help them to calm down as it mimics that of the heartbeat when pregnant and the baby is in the womb.

"Oh... oh it's okay my sweet girl I'm here. I'm here it's alright baby.", he spoke, continuing to speak softly and soothing ministrations as she started to settle down a little but it was clear she was unsettled after having the tube removed and being woken up after being under sedation for so many days and he could see she was groggy and disoriented.

After one last check-up on Sarang by the doctor, she was happy that Sarang was doing well and would be well enough to go home later. For now, he could spend some time with his daughter and get her settled and leave when he was ready. Sitting in the chair and getting comfortable and putting a pillow on his lap he lay Sarang in his lap making sure her head and neck were supported, for a moment he watched her closely and a soft, gentle half smile appeared on his face as she made soft grunts and cooing noises, for the first time in two weeks Do Hwan was able to breathe a sigh of relief like a weight had been lifted off of his chest.

For two whole weeks, he lived in fear, fear that he could come close to losing her and at one point, almost did but thankfully she survived and had beaten the infection and was now much better. 

Moving his head down he placed a kiss on her head before using his index finger to stroke her forehead and sighed, "You scared me so much Woo Sarang, yes you did, you scared appa.", he told her as she looked up at him and he could see her beautiful doe eyes as she only gurgled and cooed in response. With nothing else needed to be said, Do Hwan gently lifted his daughter to position her in his arms and carefully rest his forehead hers finding peace in the moment with his baby.


Having gotten Sarang soon changed out of the hospital gown and into her own clothes he had in the bag he brought with him to the hospital, turning his attention to Sarang he began by removing the blanket she was wrapped up in and putting her in a cute onesie.

Removing the tiny hospital gown, Sarang started to move and make noises to show she was displeased as she could feel the cold and was starting to become a little unsettled.

"Sorry sweet pea I'll be as quick as I can.", he said in a soft tone.

With Sarang soon in the onesie, she was warm and content and soon fell asleep once again. Carefully picking her up and setting her in his arms and putting his bag over his shoulder Do Hwan left the room to head down to the reception desk where he could sign discharge papers.

Upon arriving home Do Hwan looked towards the back in the rearview mirror to find his daughter starting to wake from a deep slumber.

Opening the door and leaving the driver's seat he closed the door to then open the rear door and retrieve Sarang from her baby seat.

"Hi, darling."

Unbuckling the straps he carefully removed Sarang from the baby seat and set her in his arms and shut the car door before turning towards the house and taking a few steps towards the front door.

Opening the door and stepping into the house Do Hwan found himself breathing a sigh of relief, he was glad to be home. 

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