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Early the next morning Do Hwan woke wanting to cuddle Sarang, sitting up in bed reaching over to the small bedside cot next to his hospital bed and gently scooping her up into his arms.

As a gentle smile appeared on his face Do Hwan leaned down to press a kiss atop her head. For a moment the pause of silence was broken bit a small whimper and a sniffle, looking down at his daughter he watched as she moved her head a little before opening her eyes.

With a look of love in his eyes, the smile never left his face and he could not get over his beautiful she was and how gorgeous her eyes were.

"Hi, my beautiful girl did you have a good sleep?", he asked softly his voice but only a whisper. He watched her intently as she made cute little noises making small movements within his arms as she then balled her hands into tiny fists just as she grabbed his finger holding onto it.

With a soft chuckle, he rubbed his thumb over her tiny hand as she continued to keep a tight on his finger not wanting to let go.

"Aigooo... My little bunny has a strong grip."

But one thing he did know and he had on his mind he hoped as his little girl grew up in this world that she would be accepted for who she was and wouldn't be bullied and belittled by people just for being different but deep down, he knew she may have to face such people and even so he swore to teach her just how beautiful, special and unique she was.

With a knock on the door, he watched as a nurse walked into the room.

"Good morning Mr Woo, I've come to check on Sarang and I've brought her formula so you can feed her."

In that moment, Do Hwan felt like his heart was going to burst from excitement today was the day he was going to feed her.

As he began feeding her the bottle of formula and she began making cute contented little noises, clear that she was ready for her feed.


Later that day, and waking up from a nap he was greeted by the sight of his daughter sleeping beside him still fast asleep watching as she made small movements, for a moment he couldn't help but wonder if she was dreaming and if she was what could it be?

A small smile appeared on his face. From the moment Sarang was born she was his whole world and he felt like his heart could burst from the amount of love he felt for her and nothing was ever going to change that not now not ever.

For a few moments, all was quiet but it wasn't long before that changed, with Do Hwan noticing she was waking up he could see that she was unsettled and soon began to whimper.

"Shh, It's okay, It's okay sweetheart", he whispered softly gently stroking her head with his thumb. For a few seconds, it looked like that motion seemed to work and help her calm down but before long Sarang was once again upset and agitated.

"Oh, It's okay bunny, come here."

Supporting her head and body Do Hwan lifts his little girl towards his chest hoping that being in the comfort of his arms would be a significant help to her as he began leaving gentle kisses on her head.

"There, is that better sweetheart hmm? You just needed cuddles with appa."

Sarang now a lot calmer, Do Hwan himself felt more relaxed seeing that she was no longer upset and was content being in his arms. For a moment, he continued to look at her watching her every movement and for a second he couldn't believe she was his, a small and gentle smile appeared and never left placing a kiss this time on her nose he took in her beauty and every bit of her features though she had downs syndrome he could see she looked like a replica of him, her eye shape, nose, mouth and ears even down to the freckle on her nose just like he had.

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