In A Restaurant

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By the time one thirty pm came around Do Hwan wanted to go out and stop by at a restaurant for some dinner but deep down he was a little nervous, it would be his first time in a restaurant since Sarang was born and the only time before was when he...

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By the time one thirty pm came around Do Hwan wanted to go out and stop by at a restaurant for some dinner but deep down he was a little nervous, it would be his first time in a restaurant since Sarang was born and the only time before was when he was in the early stages of pregnancy when he could hide his bump underneath his clothes and keep it from view but this time around it was different.

Changing Sarang's nappy and putting her in a romper and wrapping her in a white blanket he made his way down stairs. Getting Sarang comfortable in her carrier seat he turned to put on her coat and shoes he took a moment to pause and take a deep breath before he left the house, he knew that while and the restaurant he may have some strange looks from some people, while some would be okay with it and others would recognise him and be fans of his but he was ready to deal with anything that might come his way.


Do Hwan sat nervously in the restaurant, cradling his daughter in his arms. She was small and fragile, with a head full of dark hair and a face that was already full of expression. He had never been to a restaurant with a baby before, and he was unsure of how to proceed. He fiddled with his chopsticks and glanced around the busy room, taking in the other diners and the hustle and bustle of the waitstaff.

As he looked around, he noticed that a few people were staring at him and his daughter. He could tell that they were curious about the little girl, and he felt a twinge of embarrassment. He knew that Down's syndrome was not a common condition in Korea, and he wasn't sure how people would react.

But then, as he looked down at his daughter again, Do Hwan knew that she was special and that she would face challenges in life, but he also knew that she was strong and resilient. He was determined to be a good father to her, and to give her the best life possible.

As the waiter came over to take his order, the Do Hwan tried to put on a brave face. He ordered a simple meal for himself and a special formula for his daughter, which would be delivered through her feeding tube. The waiter nodded sympathetically and left to put in their order.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of love and protectiveness towards her. Despite her condition, she was still his daughter and he would do anything for her.

As he waited for their food, the father noticed that a few of the other customers were staring at them. He tried to ignore them and focused on his daughter. He knew that some people might not understand or accept his daughter, but he didn't care. He was just happy to be out with her and to be able to provide for her in the best way possible.

When their food arrived, Do Hwan carefully prepared the formula for his daughter and inserted it into her feeding tube. She stirred slightly but remained asleep as he fed her. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her, feeling proud and grateful to be her father.

As the meal went on, his daughter began to get fussy. He didn't know what to do, but he tried to soothe her by singing a lullaby and rocking her gently.

Do Hwan continued to gently sing to his daughter and even started to make conversation with some of the other diners. He felt like he and his daughter were welcomed and people were happy to see them there. A handful of people were even fans and asked for an autograph and picture with him, while he was happy to give them an autograph but a little a little reluctant to take a picture with them given he was with Sarang and he was glad they were understanding.

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