The Flood Of Seoul

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A little later the clouds had only grown darker and showed no signs of disappearing any time soon and the downpour slowly started to become worse and worse. Holding Sarang close to his chest he stood up from the sofa, to take the few steps toward the window to look outside.

Large puddles were starting to fill the streets as cars drove by pushing the water onto the paths, as the rain fell - dripping, dropping, splattering rain, flecking patterns on the dry thirsty earth the rain turned savage. Before long Lightning followed. The malevolent flash illuminated Do Hwan's living room startling Sarang as she whined before making noises of discomfort.

"It's alright Sarang, Shh It's alright sweetheart.", he spoke softly before kissing her forehead to give her reassurance and comfort. Turning around and returning to the sofa and getting comfortable with a pillow behind his back, turning on the tv he found himself switching over to the news channel in the hope there would be something concerning the weather.

Almost immediately he watched as the newsreader explained the situation and imminent flooding that was expected around Seoul with a red weather warning being shown. Do Hwan couldn't help but start to worry as his nerves began to build up, looking towards the window and watching the heavy rain for a moment before he heard Sarang cooing, turning his attention back to her this time taking a hold of her hand with his index finger as she held on to it.

As darkness fell, he retreated to the safety of his room not before placing towels and anything he could find to put against the back and front doors to help stop any water from getting in. Feeling a strong urge to protect his baby girl he held her close not wanting to let go of her or put her down out of the safety of his arms.

All night, the rain drummed a dramatic rhythm on the window. Slowly and silently the water rose, it was the enemy.

And still, the rain fell, dark skies and a miserable night. The light of the street lights dimmed hidden behind the trees swaying in the high raging winds, as the streets slowly turned into rivers the rain continued to pour down releasing itself from the clouds. Drops of water fall ferociously filling gutters, lakes and ponds within the surrounding area. Over time, the gutters and lakes cannot hold more water so the rain remains lying on the road. Water slowly creeps under the doors with the towels slowing it down from getting in faster.

That night, Do Hwan did not sleep very much if not at all for fear of what was happening and what he would wake up to now only time would tell.


In the morning light Do Hwan woke feeling nervous and unsure, apprehensive to head downstairs to find the damage the water had caused and how much had gotten in. Looking at Sarang he saw her still fast asleep and was debating with himself whether or not to take her with him and let her sleep but he knew it may not be long before she would wake up and without his presence and knowing he was there she would be upset.

Spotting a yellow blanket in the corner of the room he got up out of bed to retrieve it before returning to the other side of the bed where Sarang lay sound asleep. Using the big blanket to make a makeshift wrap around his body before gently lifting her supporting her head and body to then place her in the wrap making sure she was comfortable and secure against his chest.

Looking down at her and tilted his head and watched as she stirred and her eyes fluttered but she didn't wake from her slumber, with a gentle smile on his face and softly rubbing her back before pressing a kiss atop her head.

Leaving his room and heading down the stairs, he dreaded what he was going to find...

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