A Cafe And A Tricky Customer

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After a week on the island it was time to return home, Do Hwan gathered their belongings and carefully packed away the tent into the car

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After a week on the island it was time to return home, Do Hwan gathered their belongings and carefully packed away the tent into the car. The soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore served as a backdrop to their unforgettable camping trip.

He turned to call Sarang to get into the car, only to find her missing from his side.

A momentary wave of panic washed over him as he frantically scanned their surroundings. And then, just a few feet away, his heart found solace. There was Sarang, her eyes sparkling with joy as she knelt down among the wildflowers, her fingers gently caressing each delicate petal. Do Hwan's lips curled into a soft smile as he called out to her, "Sarang, come on, sweet girl. It's time to go."

Sarang turned towards her father, her face lighting up with a radiant smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. Clutching her precious bouquet, she skipped over to him, her steps a little unsteady but filled with determination. "Appa," she said with a heartwarming effort, her speech still a work in progress.

With a loving smile, Do Hwan approached her and gently lifted her into his arms. He carried her back to the car and secured her in her car seat, making sure she was safe for the journey ahead. The engine roared to life, and they began their long drive back to Seoul.

The ferry ride from Jeju Island to the mainland was a tranquil interlude, with Sarang gazing out at the shimmering waters, her tiny fingers tracing patterns on the window. But as they approached Bucheon, just outside of Seoul, Do Hwan noticed a change in Sarang's demeanour. Restlessness and agitation began to creep into her expressions.

Worried about his daughter's comfort and well-being, he decided it was time for a break. Just ahead, he spotted a quaint cafe nestled beside the road, a beacon of respite in their journey. With a sigh of relief, he pulled at the side of the road parked the car between two other cars.

"Sarang, we're going to take a break, okay?" he said, his voice filled with reassurance.

Sarang looked at him, her eyes searching his face for understanding. "Break, A - Appa?"

"Yes, sweetheart," he replied, unbuckling her from her car seat. "Let's go enjoy a little break hmm?."

With Sarang in his arms, Do Hwan walked into the charming cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee welcoming them. It was a moment of respite, a pause in their journey, where they could saver the simple pleasures of life together. 

Once inside the cafe, Do Hwan found a quiet corner and ordered a cold coffee for himself and some milk to prepare Sarang's feed. He carefully mixed the formula and connected it to her NG tube, making sure she was comfortable.

However, as time passed, Sarang was still struggling to settle. The atmosphere in the cafe had turned tense, as someone seated nearby began to make rude comments about Sarang. Do Hwan's heart sank as he overheard the hurtful remarks.

The hushed whispers and smirking glances were unmistakably directed at Sarang.

Sarang's unease persisted. Her eyes darting around the cozy cafe. Do Hwan reached out to comfort her, his hand gently rubbing her back.

"A - Appa," Sarang tugged at her father's sleeve, her eyes welling up with confusion and hurt she knew they were talking about her.

"Look at that girl. She's not like the others. What's wrong with her?" they whispered to their companion, loud enough for others to hear.

Another person chimed in, their laughter tinged with mockery. "She has Down's syndrome, poor thing. She's not even pretty."

Do Hwan's heart sank as he overheard the hurtful comments. He clenched his fists, struggling to maintain his composure. His love for Sarang burned fiercely, and he knew he had to protect her from this cruelty. But in that moment, he also understood the world could be a harsh and unkind place for someone like his precious daughter.

Do Hwan's patience was tested to its limits. He turned to face the insensitive individuals, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of anger and protectiveness. "Excuse me," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the air. "My daughter is a beautiful and wonderful person. Her disability doesn't define her, and your comments are neither welcome nor appreciated. Show some respect."

With that Do Hwan picked up his daughter and left the cafe as he took the few steps to where his car was parked, unlocking the car he opened the rear door he placed Sarang in her car seat and strapped her in securely before closing the door and walking around to get in the drivers seat and starting it.

In the silence of the car, driving through the darkening evening, the weight of those hurtful words began to settle in.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened, and he struggled to hold back his tears. He glanced in the rearview mirror, where Sarang lay fast asleep in her car seat, the soft rise and fall of her chest a testament to the peace that innocence she brought. His emotions overwhelmed him, and he let silent tears fall.

In that moment, Do Hwan knew that the world could be a cruel place, but he also knew that his love for Sarang was unwavering. As they continued their journey toward home, he found solace in the knowledge that he would always be there to protect and cherish his daughter, no matter what challenges they faced along the way.

As the city lights of Seoul drew nearer, Do Hwan knew that the journey of raising Sarang would be filled with challenges and heartache, but he also knew that the love he felt for his daughter would always be stronger than any hurtful words or ignorance. They were a team, a family, and they would face whatever came their way together, with unwavering love and determination.

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