A Breakthrough

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A week had since passed since Sarang had taken a turn for the worse and during that time Do Hwan was only beside himself for fear of potentially losing her and it did not bear thinking about

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A week had since passed since Sarang had taken a turn for the worse and during that time Do Hwan was only beside himself for fear of potentially losing her and it did not bear thinking about. Thankfully, she hadn't had any more seizures and began responding to a change in medicine that doctors had started to give her in the hope it would help, and for Do Hwan, he was glad it was doing just that.

There was still a long way to go until she was fully recovered but he found relief and pain of emotion in his heart eased a little to know she was slowly but surely getting better.

His doctor had told him that they hoped this time to take her off the machines that were helping her breathe to see if she could now breathe for herself without help but time would tell.

With the sun beaming through the window creating a warm orange glow around the room it woke him from his slumber, looking over to his right he gave a small smile as his eyes stayed on his little girl.

After two weeks of trial and error, he was glad that the doctors had managed to get a breakthrough with treatment, with the medicine that they had finally found the right one that she was responding to, to make her better and help her fight off this terrible infection.

Sitting up in bed, pushing back the sheets, and swinging his legs over the side he took the couple of steps to stand beside the cot taking a few moments to gaze at his daughter while she slept. For a second he closed his eyes before opening them again, for father and daughter these last few weeks had taken it's toll on the both of them, there were a number of times that Do Hwan had closed his eyes and hoped what had happened to Sarang was a bad dream and any moment he would wake up and he would be at home with her settled against his chest or in his arms but that was not the case.

Opening his eyes again he hoped to see her awake with her big and beautiful doe eyes looking back at him but she was not, after the trials and tribulations of the previous week she had been put and kept under sedation to give her a higher chance of recovering from the infection but he found it strange to see her so still and not moving and the only sounds came from the machines and monitors keeping track of her stats, heart rate and of course helping her to breathe. He hoped that today would be the day that his doctor could bring Sarang out of sedation, this last week he missed interacting with his little girl.

But even more than that, he longed to hold her again. This had been the longest time since she was born three weeks ago that he hasn't held her in his arms, though it has only been a week he missed being close to her too, having skin-to-skin contact and cuddles he just hoped soon he would find out what was happening and get an answer.


As the afternoon rolled around, Do Hwan was this time sat in the chair beside the cot continuing to watch over his daughter as he waited for his doctor to arrive. 

Putting his hand through the bars of the cot he began to gently stroke the side of her head with the back of his index finger, and although she wasn't moving or responding to his touch but he knew that she was comforted by his presence and knew that he was there.

A knock at the door, startled Do Hwan from his thoughts as he looked towards the door as she entered the room.

"Good afternoon Do Hwan, today is the day.", she told him with a smile, "Since she has been doing better this last week and responding to the medicine I believe she no longer needs support from the machine and should be able to breathe for herself now, so, first things first I'll remove the breathing tube and then lift her out of the sedation and we'll go from there."

Do Hwan nodded giving a half-hearted smile, as his heart practically skipped a beat. It was the news he had been waiting for but was also a little scared what if something happened what if it went wrong again? All he could do was watch as the doctor turned off the machine and proceeded to remove the breathing tube, his breath caught in his throat.

With it removed, he wanted to breathe a sigh of relief but he couldn't, not quite yet. Sarang was yet to be woken from being under sedation, he watched as his doctor began bringing her out of it and once it was done they waited for a few moments to see what would happen. 

The silence in the room was almost deafening and Do Hwan didn't know what to do except watch and wait, "Come on Sarang... please... please wake up my darling.", he spoke, his voice but a whisper until the silence was soon broken by a cough as Sarang began to break out in whimpers and started fussing as it turned in to cries and wailing. 

Letting out a shaky breath he could finally let go of the breath he had been holding, for the first and only time ever, hearing his daughter cry brought him immense relief as his eyes became glassy and happy tears fell down his face knowing he hadn't lost her and she was alive and well and this was proof of that. Carefully and gently lifting her out of the cot he held her against his chest holding her close to him and he didn't want to let go of her not now not ever.

"It's alright sweetpea, shh... shh I'm here... I know, I know I'm here.", he whispered cradling his daughter's head Do Hwan kissed her forehead before nuzzling his nose against her hairline, "I love you my little one. You are my world Woo Sarang."

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