Sarang's First Swim

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the city as Woo Do Hwan prepared for a special day with his daughter, Sarang

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the city as Woo Do Hwan prepared for a special day with his daughter, Sarang. As a single father, every moment with Sarang was precious, but today promised to be unlike any other. With a glint of excitement in his eyes, Do Hwan carefully gathered the necessities for their adventure.

On this particular day, Do Hwan had a surprise in store for Sarang. As he bustled around their cozy apartment, he made sure to pack everything they might need. Sarang's medical supplies, her favorite toys, and a bag filled with anticipation for the main event – a trip to the swimming pool.

"Do you want to go swimming today, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked, kneeling down to her eye level. Sarang's eyes lit up with curiosity as she babbled in her own delightful way, responding with a joyful nod.

With Sarang's excitement echoing in the room, Do Hwan swiftly gathered their swimming gear. He carefully selected Sarang's swimsuit, goggles, and a bottle of shampoo. As he packed, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of Sarang experiencing the water for the first time.

Once both were ready, Do Hwan grabbed the bags containing Sarang's medical needs and their swimming essentials. As he secured the bags, he stole a glance at their family picture hanging on the wall – a reminder of the unexpected yet cherished journey they were on together.

"Do you have everything, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked, picking up his keys.

"Oo!" Sarang exclaimed, clapping her hands once again.

"Alright, let's go then" Do Hwan said, grabbing Sarang's walking frame. He carefully put on her ankle splints and shoes along with her coat before he helped her onto her feet, ensuring the ankle splints provided the support she needed. Holding onto her walking frame, Sarang took a few wobbly steps towards the door, her excitement evident in every movement.

As they stepped out of their apartment, they made their way to the car. Sarang trundled along with her walking frame, her tiny steps moving along.

Reaching the car, Do Hwan gently lifted Sarang into her car seat, securing the straps with care. As he got into the driver's seat, he glanced at Sarang through the rearview mirror, "Are you ready for an adventure, Sarang?"

"Poo-oo, Appa!" Sarang giggled, her infectious laughter filling the car.


The drive to the swimming pool was filled with Sarang's joyful babbling and Do Hwan's soft laughter. Upon arrival, Do Hwan carefully lifted Sarang out of the car and set up her walking frame. Holding her hand, they made their way to the entrance of the pool.

Inside, the vibrant colours and the sound of splashing water immediately caught Sarang's attention. Her eyes widened with wonder as they entered the changing room. Do Hwan changed into his swimming trunks, and he carefully dressed Sarang in her swim gear.

With Sarang securely in his arms, Do Hwan walked towards the poolside. The lifeguard smiled warmly as they approached.

"Are you ready to swim, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked, his eyes reflecting both excitement and tenderness.

Sarang nodded, her eyes fixed on the shimmering water. Do Hwan carefully descended the steps into the pool, holding Sarang close. The water enveloped them, and Sarang's eyes widened unsure what to think at first. 

The sensation of the water soon tickled her, and she began making monkey noises, a habit she developed when encountering something new and fascinating. Do Hwan's heart swelled with joy as he witnessed Sarang experiencing the magic of the swimming pool for the first time.

"Ooh-ooh, ah-ah!"

Do Hwan couldn't contain his chuckle at her adorable antics. The unique sounds were her way of expressing delight, a language only they shared. "You're my little monkey, aren't you?"

They waded a little deeper into waters, Sarang's face expressed a mixture of wonder and excitement. Do Hwan held her securely, her tiny arms wrapped around his neck as she experienced the sensation of buoyancy for the first time. The water seemed to cast a magical spell, making the ordinary extraordinary.

After a while, Do Hwan decided to introduce a new challenge. He wondered if Sarang could float on her own for a few seconds. Kneeling down in the water, he held her close and prepared to let go, giving her the opportunity to explore the water independently.

Slowly, Do Hwan released his grip, allowing Sarang to float in the water. Her initial excitement gave way to a bit of apprehension, her small face displaying uncertainty. But Do Hwan was right there, crouched down to her level, his hands ready to support her at any moment.

"It's okay, Sarang. Appa's right here sweetheart," he whispered, offering words of encouragement.

Sarang's small body bobbed in the water, it seemed like time stood still. Do Hwan's eyes were fixed on his daughter, his heart pounding with both anticipation and pride.

For a few heart-stopping seconds, Sarang managed to stay afloat. Her eyes widened with amazement, and a triumphant smile broke across her face. Do Hwan couldn't have been prouder.

"Look at you, my little fish! You're swimming!" he cheered, his heart swelling with pride.

However, the excitement soon gave way to a hint of panic in Sarang's eyes. Sensing her unease, Do Hwan swiftly reached out and scooped her back into his arms, showering her with gentle kisses.

That's my brave girl! Appa is so proud of you," Do Hwan whispered, holding her close.

The accomplishment in Sarang's eyes mirrored the pride in Do Hwan's heart, as he showered her with affectionate kisses, her eyes reflecting the trust she had in her father.

Sarang responded with a delighted squeal, her laughter bubbling up like a melody. It was a language of joy that needed no translation. Encouraged by her response, Do Hwan gently swayed her through the water, creating small ripples that mirrored the happiness in their hearts.

"You're amazing, Sarang," Do Hwan whispered, overcome with gratitude for this precious moment. As they continued to play and splash in the pool, Do Hwan couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected joys that life had brought him as a single father.

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