Welcome Home

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On a sunny but chilly morning Do Hwan woke with a soft smile on his face as he opened his eyes and he was greeted by Sarang laying sound asleep beside him, her chest moving up and down as soft breaths left her mouth. Watching her for a moment he couldn't take his eyes off of her as he looked upon her with love happiness pure and deep in his eyes resting his hand gently on her chest before moving his thumb backwards and forwards in a soothing motion.

For a while, all was quiet until she began to stir awake from her deep slumber, with small movements and soft cooing noises leaving her mouth as she moved and stretched her tiny limbs, before opening her eyes.

"Hi baby good morning... My sweet girl, Hi.", he spoke softly only to chuckle as she managed to grab a hold of his finger and turned her head towards him.

"You have a strong grip don't you sweetheart? Yeah, you do." Supporting her head and her body he brought her close to his chest before placing a kiss on her head.

"We get to go home today baby.", he spoke watching as she moved a little to what seemed like to try and snuggle closer to him and her eyes looked towards him, "Yeah we do, we get to go home."

For a short while all was calm and quiet until a knock at the door interrupted the silence as the doctor overseeing Sarang's care entered the room. Do Hwan hoped that everything was alright, that his daughter would get the all-clear and they could return home.

"Good morning Mr Woo. Now as of today you and Sarang are being discharged and can go home and now I just need to give Sarang a final check-up and then you can leave."

Thankfully, the check-up was all good and two of them could now return home.

Having gotten out of bed and changed out of the hospital gown and into his own clothes he had in the bag he brought with him to the hospital, turning his attention to Sarang he began by removing the blanket she was wrapped up in and putting her in a cute onesie with bunny ears on the hood.

Removing the blanket, Sarang started to move and make noises to show she was displeased as she could feel the cold and was starting to become a little unsettled.

"Sorry sweet pea I'll be as quick as I can.", he said in a soft tone.

With Sarang soon in the onesie, she was warm and content and soon fell asleep once again. Carefully picking her up and setting her in his arms and putting his bag over his shoulder Do Hwan left the room to head down to the reception desk where he could sign his discharge papers.

Once at the reception, he was greeted by the same lady who was there when he had come into the hospital in labor.

"Oh, hello again Mr Woo and congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Here are your discharge papers, just sign here, and here and you can go."

Signing the papers he turned to leave the hospital and make his way to his car.


Upon arriving home Do Hwan looked towards the back in the rearview mirror to find his daughter starting to wake from a deep slumber.

Opening the door and leaving the driver's seat he closed the door to then open the rear door and retrieve Sarang from her baby seat.

"Hi gorgeous girl did you have a good sleep?"

Unbuckling the straps he carefully removed Sarang from the baby seat and set her in his arms and shut the car door before turning towards the house and taking the few steps towards the front door.

Opening the door and stepping into the house Do Hwan found himself breathing a sigh of relief, he was glad to be home. Hearing the sound of cooing he looked down at his baby girl with a gentle smile on his face before he moved his head to lean down and place a kiss on her forehead.

"Welcome home my sweet precious girl."

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do HwanWhere stories live. Discover now