Found Out

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Early the next morning just as the sun was poking over the horizon Do Hwan woke sharply from feeling like he needed to be sick, and no doubt it was another spell of morning sickness. In a matter of seconds, he had gotten out of bed taking a few quick steps towards the bathroom and kneeling infront of the toilet before what felt like emptying his guts out.

After a minute or so things began to ease a little as he tried to catch his breath, as he had stopped vomiting she started to feel a little better. Moving away from the toilet he grabbed a hold of the sink as he pulled himself up onto his feet and flushed the toilet as he took a deep breath trying to calm my his nerves before beginning to brush his teeth trying to rid of the foul taste that had been left behind.

Looking at his reflection in the mirror he could see how he was tired even though he tried to get as much sleep as possible and take naps whenever he could it seemed like it was hard work growing the little life that was inside, his body was changing to accomodate for his baby girl and it would continue to do so as she grew and got bigger each week.

Spitting out the last of the toothpaste he then set about washing his face but didn't really feel like doing anything else than getting back into bed for a little while longer, leaving the bathroom he took the few steps back to his bed and welcomed the comfort with a sigh of relief as he had gotten under the duvet once again.


When he woke up again he woke to the sound of rain hitting the window and he knew it wasn't going to stop any time soon. Looking towards the window he watched as the rain as it fell harder and harder until soon a loud clap of thunder followed, from there it only continued and it seemed like it wouldn't stop for a while.

It seemed like that for the rest of the day it would be a chill out lazy day a chance for him to relax and get as much rest as possible, today he didn't seem to have much energy and just wanted to sleep feeling more tired than usual and more lethargic.

Turning on his side placing a pillow in between his legs he removed his shirt to try and get a little more comfortable as he continued to watch and listen to the thunderstorm that brought heavy rain as it colided and bounced off of the window. For a short while Do Hwan was in a calm and peaceful state of mind feeling relaxed, he was almost tempted to fall asleep again but before he had the chance to decide his phone began making all sorts of noises from multiple notifications he was recieving and It seemed almost endless.

Only to discover when he unlocked his phone an article popped up first and it was written by someone who had exposed him in it. He looked to find it was the highest ranking article that was trending all over South Korea and he didn't need to look any further to find there was a picture of him clearly pregnant and he knew it was from the day before when he was at the hospital for his sixteen week scan and he could see under the pictire was a paragraph to follow.

'Actor Woo Do Hwan expecting. The actor was seen outside of a hospital with a bump, and seems to be in the early stages of pregnancy...'

From there he could read no further feeling upset that his privacy had been tarnished and taken away from him before he had the chance to tell anyone himself now someone had taken his personal news from him being an actor and exploited him and now he could't help but start to feel anxious for what may be yet to come.

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