My Girl

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At sixteen weeks Do Hwan's stomach had become noticeable and had somewhat 'popped' now definitely more rounded and defined than previous weeks. Looking in the mirror he could see that his belly button had also popped out too, today was the day he would be able to find out the gender of his baby and a 4D scan to determine that the baby did indeed have downs syndrome.

After he had received the news there was a high chance the baby would have downs syndrome, he would be lying if he said if he wasn't worried or scared or that the news shocked him but if a scan today showed this to be true nothing would change regardless if the baby had a disability or not. From the moment he knew about the baby's existence and when he had first heard the heartbeat he knew there and then that he loved this baby with everything he had and everything he was, he had connected with the new life that was inside of him and he knew that when he would be able to feel the baby move and kick it would be the best feeling in the entire world and nothing and no one could take that way from him.

Snapping from his thoughts, Do Hwan realised he must have been standing in front of the mirror at least ten minutes, as another smile appeared upon his face his hand once again returned to his belly gently rubbing soft circles with his thumb before coming to a stop at his belly button as a soft chuckle left his mouth.

"You made my belly button pop out with all this growing your doing baby.", he said aloud speaking in a soft tone as he looked down at his belly continuing to move his thumb but this time up and down.

Turning towards his wardrobe he picked out some clothes to change into. Though he couldn't help but frown as he found the shirt he had put on and worn before now was starting to feel a little tight, taking it off putting it back and putting on a different one.

Once ready and dressed, he still had half an hour to kill before he was due to head to the hospital, craving strawberry tea. Heading down towards the kitchen he soon pulled out a cup from the cupboard and made a start on making the tea.

Before long it was time to leave, walking towards the door he put on his coat and shoes and turned to leave but just as he was about to open the door he couldn't help but stop and pause for a moment. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he knew that when he returned that things could be different but never ever in a bad way.


Once at the hospital, he sat waiting for his name to be called and he didn't have to wait long.

Entering the room he saw his doctor as she greeted him.

"Hello, Do Hwan how are you."

"I'm well thank you."

"I tell you're nervous but everything will be okay don't worry.", she told him. "We'll start with finding out the gender and we'll go from there yeah?"

Laying on the bed and lifting up his shirt he began to feel his heart beating as if it was going a million miles an hour from being nervous and excited at the same time.

With the cold gel on his belly and the scan was underway with the doctor trying to uncover the gender but it was proving to be a little difficult.

"Come on baby turn around your appa wants to know what you are."

With a soft giggle leaving his mouth he kept a close eye on the screen, and before long he soon got an answer.

"Oh, there we are. So... you are having a little girl."

Taking a moment for it to sink in he could help but have a bright smile appear never to leave his face.

"Oh, wow... hi baby girl, my girl.

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