Plenty Of Cuddles

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Two days had passed since the delicate heart operation that little Sarang had undergone

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Two days had passed since the delicate heart operation that little Sarang had undergone. He had been by her side throughout the entire ordeal, never leaving her even for a moment. Sarang, his four-month-old daughter, was his world. Despite the exhaustion that clung to every fiber of his being, he found solace in knowing that his precious girl was now on the path to recovery.

As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the hospital room window, Do Hwan stirred awake in the chair he had slept in throughout the night. His eyes, heavy with fatigue, met the sight of Sarang's small form lying on the bed. It wasn't long before her soft whimpers and fussy movements filled the room, announcing her awakening.

With a tender touch, mindful of the wires that connected his daughter to the various monitors and machines. He carefully scooped her up into his arms, cradling her against his chest. Her tiny head rested on his heart, and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat had always seemed to have a calming effect on her even when she was born.

"Ssh, my little Sarang," Do Hwan whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and unwavering love. "Appa is right here with you. You're safe."

He rocked her gently, using the motion to lull her back to a state of peace. With his free hand, he began to stroke her back, tracing delicate circles on her tiny frame. The warmth of his touch radiated through her, offering comfort and reassurance in the midst of her discomfort.

Sarang's fussing gradually subsided as she felt the love and security emanating from her appa. She nestled closer to him, finding solace in his presence. Do Hwan continued to whisper soft words of comfort, his voice filled with a tenderness only a father could possess.

"You're so strong, Sarang. Appa is so proud of you," he murmured, his voice barely audible. "We've come a long way, haven't we? You and me, we'll face every hurdle together, my precious girl."

As the minutes turned into an hour, Sarang's restlessness slowly faded away. She grew still in her appa's arms, her breathing becoming steady and serene. Do Hwan marvelled at the sight before him-the embodiment of his love and dedication lying peacefully against him.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as father and daughter shared an unspoken bond that transcended words. Sarang, with her innocent eyes and tiny frame, had captured Do Hwan's heart from the very beginning. And now, as he held her close, he vowed to be her pillar of strength, her unwavering support.

As the world outside the hospital room carried on with its hustle and bustle, Do Hwan remained there, cradling Sarang in his arms. The room was filled with the sweet melody of her steady breaths and the rhythmic beat of her heart-an unbreakable connection that would carry them through every obstacle they would face together.

Do Hwan continued to shush her, his voice a soothing lullaby that washed over her like a comforting wave.

"Everything's going to be okay, my darling," he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

Gently, he continued to rub her back in slow, circular motions, the touch of his hand offering a soothing comfort that only a father could provide. Sarang's breaths became calmer, and her eyelids fluttered as exhaustion started to overtake her once again.

As Sarang's breathing steadied and her body relaxed against his chest, Do Hwan felt a surge of love and gratitude wash over him. In that tender moment, he knew that his daughter was his greatest treasure, the reason for his unwavering strength and determination.

With his daughter in his arms, Do Hwan settled back into the chair, embracing the weight of responsibility and love that came with being Sarang's father. The road to recovery would be challenging, but he was ready to face it head-on, armed with an unbreakable bond that could weather any storm.

As the room filled with a peaceful silence, Do Hwan whispered a sentiment to his daughter, his voice filled with unwavering devotion.

"I love you, Woo Sarang. You are my world.", as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

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