Photo Album

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Do Hwan moved through his apartment, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow on the cozy space

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Do Hwan moved through his apartment, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow on the cozy space. Sarang, was engrossed in her world of toys on the living room floor. The actor couldn't help but smile as he watched her play.

A fond smile graced his face as he turned the pages, the images telling the story of his pregnancy journey. From the early days of anticipation to the swelling belly, he had documented every step of the way. Pictures of himself cradling the roundness of his belly, reflected the deep connection he felt with the life growing inside him.

Setting aside his cleaning duties, Woo Do Hwan settled on the sofa and patted the cushion beside him. "Sarang, come here, sweetheart," he called gently, his voice filled with warmth.

Sarang, engrossed in her toys, looked up with a curious expression. With a bit of coaxing and a loving smile, he managed to guide her over to the sofa. Placing her next to him, he opened the album to the first page and began to share the story of their unique journey.

"Do you want to see something special, Sarang?" he asked, his voice tender. Sarang's eyes sparkled with interest as she nodded, her hands reaching out towards the album. Do Hwan began to flip through the pages, narrating the story behind each photograph.

Placing Sarang on the sofa next to him, Do Hwan opened the album and began flipping through the pages, each one revealing a snapshot of their incredible journey. "Look, Sarang," he spoke softly, his eyes glinting with pride and love. "This was you when you were still inside Appa's tummy."

Sarang's eyes widened as she focused on the images, her chubby fingers reaching out to touch the pictures. Woo Do Hwan chuckled, "Yes, that's you. Appa was so excited to meet you." He continued flipping through the pages, recounting the milestones of Sarang's early life.

"This is the day you were born," he said, pointing to a photo capturing Sarang's little face as he cradled his newborn daughter in his arms. "You were so tiny and perfect."

 As the photo album unfolded, he shared stories of the first smile – all the precious moments that made their bond stronger. Sarang's eyes lit up with recognition as she pointed to their faces and smiled in response to the joyous memories captured in the photographs.

Sarang babbled in response, her attempts at speech filled with innocence. Do Hwan wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer as they continued to explore the pages of the album.

As the quiet afternoon unfolded, father and daughter shared a precious moment, surrounded by the echoes of their unique and beautiful journey together. The photo album became a tangible testament to the love, patience, and strength that bound them as they faced the world, hand in hand, one photograph at a time


As the afternoon unfolded, Sarang's energy began to wane, and the telltale signs of fatigue appeared.

"Do you think it's time for your nap, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked gently, his deep voice filled with affection as he scooped her up from the sea of toys.

Sarang's eyes fluttered, and she let out a little yawn, her small hands reaching out towards her father. She babbled incoherently, her attempts at communication a testament to the challenges she faced.

"Do you want to take a nap, sweetheart?" Do Hwan continued to speak softly, swaying gently as he held her close.

Carrying Sarang in his arms, Do Hwan walked around the room, patting her back rhythmically. Sarang clung to him, her tiny fingers grasping his shirt, finding comfort in the warmth and security of her father's embrace and familiar sent.

"Let's go lay down, okay?" he whispered, carrying her towards the sofa. As he settled onto the cushions, Sarang laid on his chest, her small form fitting perfectly against him. The sound of his heartbeat, a calming rhythm that seemed to lull Sarang into a peaceful sleep.

Do Hwan continued to stroke her back, his fingers moving in a rhythmic pattern. Sarang's eyelids grew heavy, and her breathing slowed.

The bond between father and daughter was palpable, a love that transcended the challenges they faced. As Do Hwan continued to navigate the intricacies of parenthood, he was determined to provide Sarang with a life filled with love, understanding, and the unwavering belief that she could conquer anything.

"I love you, Sarang-ah," Do Hwan whispered, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead.

However, the tranquility was short-lived. Sarang's peaceful sleep was disrupted by the onset of a nightmare. Her small face scrunched up, and distress echoed in her whines and squeaking sounds as her body tensed in his arms.

"Hush, sweetheart, it's okay. Appa's here," Do Hwan murmured, his voice a soothing melody.

Sarang's whines escalated into distressed sounds, and Do Hwan's heart sank. He knew she was having a nightmare. He whispered reassuring words, trying to comfort her troubled dreams.

"Appa's got you, Sarang. You're safe," he cooed, his hand tenderly rubbing her back.

He gently rubbed her back, trying to ease the discomfort of the bad dream that haunted his daughter's slumber.

Sarang's whimpers gradually subsided, replaced by the steady rise and fall of her breath. Do Hwan continued to hold her close, knowing that his presence was a source of comfort for Sarang.

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