Four Months Later

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Four months on and Sarang was doing better than ever, Do Hwan couldn't believe that his little girl was now four months old it only seemed like yesterday she was born, time seemed to fly by

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Four months on and Sarang was doing better than ever, Do Hwan couldn't believe that his little girl was now four months old it only seemed like yesterday she was born, time seemed to fly by.

Do Hwan had never imagined himself as a single father, but when he learned that he was pregnant, he knew that he wanted to be there for his child no matter what. He was determined to be the best father he could be, and to give Sarang all the love and support she needed.

As he played with his daughter on the floor in the living room laying on his front just like she was, Do Hwan couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and contentment. Sarang's laughter was infectious, and her bright eyes seemed to take in everything around her. He watched as she reached out to grab a toy, her little fingers closing around it with a determined grip.

Do Hwan knew that raising a child with Down's Syndrome would come with its own set of challenges. He would have to be patient and understanding as Sarang learned and grew at her own pace. But he was more than willing to put in the work, because he loved his daughter with all his heart, as he looked into Sarang's eyes, Do Hwan knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be. He was a father, and he was going to make sure that his daughter had the best life possible.

He watched as Sarang started crawling around him, giggling as she reached for the colorful blocks he was stacking up for her.

"Sarang, look at this one! It's red," Do Hwan said, holding up a block for her to grab. "Can you say 'red'? Re-ed?"

Sarang just smiled and babbled, her little hands reaching for the block. Do Hwan could only grin and placed it in her grasp. "Good job, Sarang," he said, ruffling her hair.

Do Hwan spent every spare moment with Sarang, teaching her new words and helping her to develop her motor skills. He knew that she would learn at a slower pace than other children her age, but he didn't mind. He loved watching her little face light up with understanding and excitement as she accomplished something new.

"Sarang, can you touch your nose?" He asked, pointing to his own nose. Sarang reached up and touched her nose, giggling. "Good job, darling! You're so smart!"

Do Hwan knew that there would be times when he would face discrimination and misunderstanding because of Sarang's condition. But he didn't let that stop him from loving and caring for his daughter.

As Sarang crawled back into her appa's lap, Do Hwan hugged her tightly and whispered, "I love you, Sarang. You are my everything."


A short while later Sarang was starting to get fussy and Do Hwan knew that his daughter was getting hungry, getting up from the floor he made his way over to the kitchen. He carefully measured out the formula, making sure to follow the instructions on the label to the letter. As he mixed the powder with water, he couldn't help but think back to the moment he found out his daughter had Down syndrome. He remembered the shock and fear he felt, unsure of how to raise a child with special needs.

But as he watched his four-month-old daughter, he knew that all of those fears were for nothing. He loved her with all of his heart, and he would do whatever it takes to make sure she had the best life possible.

As he Sarang cry out to him he knew why and tried to reassure her, "It's okay sweetheart I know, your milk is coming baby".

As he filled the syringe with the warm milk, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and love. Going back to the living room he sat by his baby girl before gently setting her in his lap, gently inserting the syringe into his daughter's feeding tube, his heart swelling with love as he watched her drink the milk as she made noises of contentment and cooing noises while he gently rocked her and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Changes made - 21| 1 | 23
First published - 20| 1 |23

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